Chapter 9: whats wrong with your dad?

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I don't know why but I felt really clingy, I just wanted to be around Nolson a lot, I usually never never feel that way towards anyone after sex. It's like fucking made us closer and I was really happy, we were going out today, I didn't know what wet were going to do but Nolson said he'll figure it out, my thoughts were interrupted by my phone going off.

Nolson 🖤: when do you want me to pick you up angel

Angel 👼❤️: I can come to your house and pick you up, I feel like you always pick me up

Nolson 🖤: no that's ok, I like picking you up

Angel 👼❤️: ok, around 5 then

Nolson 🖤: ok, see you then, my love

I smiled down at my phone at the nickname, uhhhh I liked him a lot already, I decided I was going to surprise him by picking him up anyway, I didn't want him to go out of his way for me. I looked over at the clock seeing it was 4, good thing I was already dressed and everything because I was very excited to go out with Nolson, I grabbed my keys off my dresser and made my way down stairs out the house closing the door behind me. I got in my car starting it excited to see Nolson, I dressed in my prettiest skirt just for him, I pulled out of my drive was and headed down the street to Nolson's house. I got there about 10 minutes later, I stopped the car getting out and heading to the door, a tall man answers that look exactly like Nolson so I'm guessing this was his dad. The man looked me up and down making me feel uncomfortable "u-um im here for Nolson, sir" I said politely "and what's your name sweetheart he asked stepping closer to me "I-I'm G-Gage" I stuttered out, I was getting scared now. "Well aren't you a pretty one" he said lifting his hand  to stroke my cheek"p-please st-" "what the fuck" I was cut off by Nolson coming down the stairs looking at me and his dad, his dad turned around to look at Nolson "damn Nolson, he got a pretty one" he said smirking. Nolson was about to just walk past him until the man grabbed his shirt pulling him closer and whispered in his ear so I couldn't hear "I might take him and show him what a real man is" he said pulling away and walking up the stairs, Nolson looked very angry as he grabbed my arm a little to roughly dragging me down the driveway and to my car, once we got in it was quite for a moment until he spoke up "I TOLD YOU NOT TO FUCKING COME HERE, WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LISTEN" he yelled making me jump in my seat and look over at him. "I-I'm sorry I j-just wanted to s-surprise you" I said as a started crying lightly, I didn't mean to start crying I just don't like when people yell at me "oh Baby no, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell" he said pulling me closer and kissing me softly "I just not safe for you" he said pulling away and stroking my hair. "But why" I said looking up at him, he didn't answer just started the car and backed out of the drive way, I wonder why he said it wasn't safe  for me, what's up with his dad, I felt really uncomfortable around him but I didn't want to asking more questions and set Nolson off.

We got to this cute restaurant with a lot of tables outside to eat "wow Nolson, this is beautiful I said turning towards him smiling, he smiled back grabbing my hand and kissed the back of it before getting out and running to my side to open the door. "You don't have to open the door for me every time" I said fake annoyed actually loving the treatment I was getting when I was with him "yes I do" he said grabbing me waist and pulling me into a kiss, he led me to a table outside pulling my chair out for me "thank you, baby" I said smiling at him "I like when you call me that" he said sitting across from me and holding my hand. The waiter came to our table asking for what drinks we wanted, I notice he was staring at me the most, I felt Nolson tighten his grip on my hand staring at me talking to the waiter and some what flirting a little bit, I couldn't help it, it's just my personality. Once the waiter left Nolson just looked at me with anger "what was that" he asked looking down "what?" I ask confused, he just looked away "I'm going to the bathroom" he said getting up and walking in the restaurant, what was that about I thought but just waited for our drinks to come. The waiter came but without our drinks "hi, beautiful" he said smiling while sitting across from me "hi" I said blushing lightly "was that your boyfriend" he asked "yea" I say proud to call Nolson my boyfriend "well I promise, baby girl, I could show you better" he said getting up and standing over me. "What?" I asked growing nervous "he doesn't look like he could handle you like I could" the waiter said caressing my check "n-no, I'm fi" before I could finish my sentence I heard Nolson behind me "what the hell is this" I turned away from the guy and looked towards Nolson "nothing, ba" "be quite, Gage" he said with anger making me shut up. "What do you think your fucking doing touching him" he said walking up the guy grabbing him by his collar "I was just saying how I could treat hum way better than you ever could" the waiter said smirking at him. Nolson didn't say anything before throwing him on the ground and punching him repeatedly "Nolson please stop" I yelled trying to pull him off the guy but he wouldn't budge, when he was done beating him up he got off him grabbing my hand and pulling me to the car . He still opened the door for me despite him looking so angry. Once we were both in the car it was silent for a moment before I spoke up "w-why did y-you do that" I whispered out not trying to make him madder "let's just go" he said started up the car he said driving down the street and away from the nice restaurant, I was kinda mad we didn't get to stay and eat and what the fuck was going on with Nolson. My phone went off making me jump a little because it was so quiet in the car, I checked it seeing it was my mom saying her and my dad were going out of town for business, I wanted Nolson to come to my house and fuck but I don't know what's wrong with him. We got to my house about 20 minutes later, he turned the car off and it was quite for a moment before I spoke up "umm m-my parents are g-going out of town for business, would you l-like to stay over" I asked nervously. He tuned to me smiling "of course I would, my love, why do you sound so scared" he asked with a worriedly "I just don't know what's wrong with you, you've never yelled at me, tell me what's going on baby" I asked grabbing his hand "n-nothing, angel" he said smiling at me "ok" Simply said not wanted to get him mad. We both got out the car and headed into the house up to my room. Nolson laid on my bed as I stood beside him and started taking my close off showing my Lacey underwear, he started at my body as I got on the bed beside him cuddling up to his chest as he pulled me closer to his chest. We sat there in silence for a moment before he gripped my chin making me look at him, he stared into my eyes lovingly before kissing me deeply, the kiss soon got heated as he rolled over between my legs and held my waist. I pulled away speaking up "what's up with you today" I ask wanting to know, he sighed deeply "I don't know ok" he said looking sorry "what's wrong with you and your dad" I asked softly "I don't want to talk about it ok?" He said going back to kissing me. I didn't want to push him but I wanted to know but also didn't want to ruin the moment so I decided I should just ask him later, Nolson started unbuckling his pants as he kissing me. I unbuckled his jeans taking out his dick and stroking it "fuuuck" he groaned into the kiss, he pulled away bring two fingers to my mouth "suck" he ordered so I did, lubing them up good he took them out pulling my panties to the side and inserting a finger in my hole and curling the finger inside me making my back arch off the bed. "Ahhhh" I moaned lightly as he added the second finger in my curling both of them making me moan widely.

He was slamming into my prostate with his fingers curling and it was driving me crazy "please I'm ready, please Nolson" I begged out of breath under him. He gently grabbed my wrist holding me down "say your mine" he whispered in my ear taking out his dick and rubbing it agains my hole making me arch my back off the bed "I-I'm yours daddy, I'll do whatever you say" I moaned out. He pushed into me slowly making me scream out "fuck, fuck daddy" I moaned scratching at his back as he started thrusting in me "all mine" grounded sliding deep into me, he was drilling me so deep and hard as my mouth hung open. It was getting to much for me and everytime I tried to push him away he held my hand down and told me not to move, I tried to push him away again but he pulled my head back roughly by my hair "if you try to push me away again I'll tie your hands up" he said through gritted teeth "you understand" he asked. I was about to nod but remembered how much he didn't like that "y-yes daddy, i-I understand" I stuttered out scared as I shook below him, he was still going just as hard.

His thrust got faster and sloppier so I knew he was about to cum "d-daddy please" I yelled out with my face in the sheets "please what, bitch" Nolson asked slowing down but going deeper in me "please, I want your cum in me" I moaned trying to control myself "fuuuuck" he cursed as he came in me still balls deep and I came after him. He pulled out kissing me passionately "I love you, you know that right?" Nolson asked holding me tightly "I love you too" I said smiling up at him, he flipped me over and hugged me from behind as I started to fall asleep tired from all the sex. Before I could fall completely asleep I heard Nolson whispered out "I'll protect you".

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