Timetable change?!

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I reached school and first things first. Going to my locker. I got out my books for the first lesson and started walking towards the reception for my new timetable. You see, I'm an idiot and I lost over 38 copies of my timetable. I mean I can remember which lessons I've got but to be sure I like having a timetable with me.
"Another timetable again is it Kendall?" Mrs Jones the receptionist asked me.
"Yeah always seem to lose it don't i?"
"It's alright,just don't lose this one yeah?"
"I'll try not to"
And with that the bell rang and I left to go to English where I'd meet my best friends.
Meet Adrianna. She's very calm and quiet but trust me, if you piss her off you're gunna wish you hadn't. She's got long blonde hair, straight and thick and she wears no makeup. Then there's Chloe. Little miss Barbie with her handbag, makeup, her little pink accessories. She loves pink so much it's unbelievable. She's got long brown crimped hair and small eyes. You could say I'm in-between?
"Guess who's in our class today?" Chloe asks wriggling her eyebrows.
"Ooh let me guess is it Ellis?" I asked sarcastically, but I knew Ellis was going to be joining our English class anyway.
You know that one friend who always acts up infront of boys? Yeah that's Chloe and she's my best friend and everything but it annoys the fuck out of me, like sit down and chill the fuck out.
Ellis is one of...no...he is the most hottest boy in our school. All I know about him is he's hot. I've seen him only once and to be honest when I see a hot boy I stop seeing him around and now that he's joining our English class I'll be seeing a lot of him lately. I've heard he plays girls and who doesn't like a bad boy? But to be honest boys like him do piss me off. They think they're the shit and think they can get you whenever they want? Well us girls aren't a Christmas present you can buy, use and return when you don't want it! Rant over.

In he comes with his soft brown hair in a quiff and his bright blue eyes. I can see his muscles flex as he walks in. He's just so fine. I could go up to him and be like "What you doing with your fine self?" But I realised I don't have confidence and he'd just stare at me like "what the fuck?!"
As always Chloe acts up and starts laughing uncontrollably at nothing, to get his attention. He just looks at her disgusted. She sees this and her laughter dies down and she's calm again. Adrianna can't stop laughing at this because he's doing it to everyone. A girl called Rose-Marie just lunged at him and he's trying to get her off. Everyone's quiet and scared but because it's quiet I can't help but laugh! So I burst out laughing!!! It's hilarious! He just turns to me and gives me the dirtiest look he could muster. Me being the idiot I am stops laughing and says
"Why you giving me a dirty look for? Who are you though? Whilst laughing again.
"Did you just say that to me?" He turns around looking like he's gunna punch me.
I got scared not gunna lie but it's hilarious how he thinks he can give me a dirty look because he thinks he's Prince Caspian or whatever.
"No I said it to the nits in your hair? Of course I said it to you"
"Do you know who I am and what I can do to you?"
"Well you're not Barrack Obama which means you can't do shit to me"
I heard some giggles from Adrianna and Chloe.
"Okay then babe,if that's what you think"
Omg he called me babe!
"Yeah don't call me that"
And with that the teacher walked in and we were seated for an English lesson.

The day went by quite quickly and Adrianna had a doctors appointment and Chloe went boy hunting. My lessons had finished for the day so I walked to my locker. The halls were deserted and I felt like it was some cowboy scene with the little balls of straw rolling past and stuff. As I started walking, I felt someone put their arm around my waist from behind and put their hand on my mouth and next thing you know, I'm being dragged away into to storage room. The lights aren't even on and I swear if I'm going to get raped, this person better think! I'm starting to panic and when I panic, I start to cry. So here I am crying the minute this person locks me in the room with them.
"Are you crying?" An all too familiar voice says and I immediately know what this is.
Flashback to when Ellis says "do you know who I am and what I can do?"
If this is what he means then it's really bad because he's given away who it is. It's Ellis.
I quickly wipe my tears and try and reply confidently as possible.
"Is this Ellis?"
It flopped. My voice cracked.
"Omg cannonball you're crying?!" He burst out laughing
"It's Kendall"
I can't even be bothered with him. He continues laughing.
"Fuck you Ellis" and turn to the door.
He turns me around, shoves himself into me and up the door and all of a sudden his laughter has died down.
I can just about make out his features.
"Did you just tell me to fuck off?"
Why does h...
That's it!
He gets so pissed off when someone says something rude to him! He's a hypocrite! I've got a lock on him now!
"Aw is Ellis angwy I told him to fuck off?" I say in a baby voice.
Realisation hit his face and I don't know what kind of realisation it was because he loosened his grip on me. His hands were holding both of my arms behind my back and when it loosened he moved them to my waist. He moved closer and whispered
"You're attracted to me"
What the?!?!
No I'm not! We'll I am but how does he know? Did I try and put on my seductive face when I said that?
"Ellis don't get cocky okay? It's gunna take a lot for me to get attracted to you" I said sharply but also kind of sighed.
I was getting off the door and moving him off me when he pushed me to the door again and tightened his grip around my waist.
"Whatever you say babe" kisses my cheek, winks at me then leaves. I just stand there flabbergasted.
What just happened? Horny bastard.

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