Is he stalking me?

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After about 10 minutes I got out from the bush and walked towards the door when I was sure that Ellis had gone. The door was open and Adrianna and Chloe were standing behind it.

"Thank the heavens! Where were you?" Adrianna asked coming towards me looking terrified.

"Don't worry I didn't get stabbed guys. I hid out in that bush over there," I said by pointing at the bush.

"And now I'm going to go to home before he finds me"

"But lunch has just finished? We've got another two periods to go before we get to go home?" Chloe dumbly said.

"Do you not think I know that?! He knows I know about his murderous ways and I ran and hid in the bush and he ran after me, probably to stab me, so I hid in there until it was safe to come out. Now I'm going home before he finds me and tries to stab me again"

"He won't stab you Ken. You're over exaggerating." Adrianna said.

"Ad's right, but go home just in case"

"I am anyway don't worry" I replied.

"We will come to yours after yeah?" Adrianna said.

"Yeah sure"

I just left Adrianna and Chloe in the Cafeteria and now I'm heading towards the front doors of the school. I keep looking around to make sure that Satan isn't following me. There's no one around! Thank the Lord! My house is only round the corner and down the street so here I am making my way downtown. I even start humming it. Everything is normal and quiet until I turn around and I see him. I see him walking towards me. he's got his serious face on and his hands are clenched just like his jaw. we are on my road now. I start walking a bit faster. Come on Kendall a few more houses to go then BAM you're safe! I look around again and he's like a meter away from me. Before I can run again he grabs my arm.

"AHHHHH!!! SAVE ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" I start screaming.

Right now Ellis is looking at me like 'what the fuck?' Then bursts into laughter. I'm crying right now. tears are literally falling off my cheek and I'm just staring up at him angry and upset all at the same time.

"What are you doing?" Ellis finally asked after laughing so much.

"No fuck off you're going to stab me" I start crying again.

"Let go of my arm! Please! Just let go! I don't want to die!" He just stared at me.

"Kendall. Kendall....stop....STOP MOVING ABOUT!" I stop moving and trying to run away. He still has his hand locked around my arm.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just wanted to know why you ran and if you ran to tell the cops then you would've been in big trouble. I don't want to hurt you but you can't say a word about this to no one. What you heard was a little spec of something big, all you have to do is pretend you don't know that little spec of something okay? I'm not the one who kills people but there is someone in our school who does and if he knows that you know there is a murderer in our school, he will try to kill you before you know it's him."

"But wouldn't I find out when he kills me?"

"Yeah but there will be no point because you're gunna die aren't you? I'm going now so you keep your nosy self and big mouth out of it and shut understand?"

I just nod my head.
And he walks away to the direction I was walking in. My house was only one house down so I quickly got in and shut the door.
Adrianna and Chloe had arrived at my house later on. Yes I am talking as if this happened days ago which it did now. Ever since that day, I have seen him follow me home like for 5 days straight. I thought it was just to make sure I don't open my mouth at first the. It got pedophilloic. As soon as I get in my house he looks at the door and carries on walking. Weird. It's the end of the school day and I'm turning on the road of where my house is located right now. I'm going to make an oh-so-careless turn right now and see if he's following.


There he is. There he fucking is! If he's trying to do this discreetly it's not fucking working! That's it! I'm going up to him right now!

"What is your problem?! Ever since you told me not to tell I have seen you follow me home! Are you mentally alright? Why are you being a pedophile?!"

"What?" Ellis says confused.

"You know what don't what me you PEDO!"

"No I mean what as in you're stupid to think a boy like me would follow a girl like you home" he said to me whilst looking at me in disgust when he said 'a girl like you'.

Well that fucking hurt.

"That's what I'm going to think unless you have some other sort of explanation"

"Yeah I do baby, I love on this road. don't believe me? Watch me go into MY house which happens to be on this road too"

My heart kind of fluttered but I saw him jog over to his house, a couple houses down from mine.

"See! This is MY house and I'm going in!"

With that he went in. Well now I feel like a right twat. Omg I could've followed him instead of asking him then I would know and wouldn't need to ask him. Fucks sake!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2015 ⏰

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