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— "You know you didn't have to get the train with me." Maggie glanced at her brother as she took a seat, watching as Adam attempted to place the luggage in the overhead locker. Rolling her eyes, Maggie stood up and did it for him.

In the traditional Walters way, Adam rolled his eyes and took the luggage out before placing it back exactly the way Maggie had done it. "See, I can do it." The two took their seat, say opposite one another in an empty cart. "And anyway, yes I did. You know dad would kill me otherwise"

Maggie laughed gently as she pulled a book from the bag sat beside her. "Yes, that's rather true. I'm the favourite."

Adam, ever the child, stuck his tongue out at Maggie before looking out the train window. The pair hadn't been on many train in their lives, often travelling by bus as it was cheaper for their father.

After being assigned her mission, Maggie had been given a train ticket and her first pay packet of 50 British Pounds, a lot of money for her family. Whilst she'd exchanged 25 of it to US dollars, the rest she had hidden for her father to find.

The smile she wore gently faded as she thought of the challenges ahead of her. She'd get the train to Portsmouth before getting a boat across to the US. From there a few more trains and Toccoa would be her new home. Letting out a sigh, she attempted to get back to the book in front of her but Adam interrupted her.

"You've got that look Mags, what's wrong?"

Rolling her eyes, Maggie dog eared her book - even though it wouldn't of mattered where she began anyway - and looked up at Adam with a sigh. "What? What look, I'm just trying to read."

Adam let out a sigh of his own. "That look you have when you're worried. Your eyebrows go in and honestly you look like ma used to when she was reading the paper." Maggie smiled gently at the memory of their mother.

"I'm fine Adam, just worried about the yanks. You've heard the stories." Adam snorted and nodded at his sister.

"Yeah I have, that's why I expect a letter every bloody week." Maggie couldn't help but feel slightly sad, thinking of her baby brother going to war.

Her voice was soft as she fiddled with the pages in her book. "How will I know where you are, Adam?"

Knowing his sister, Adam moved to sit beside her and pulled her into his side in an attempt to hug her. Maggie snaked her arms around the man's torso, willing herself not to cry as she focused on the book cover.

"I'll always find you, okay? If I don't get any letters from you, I'll be coming over myself - okay?"

Maggie looked up to find that Adam was peering down at her with concern on his face. She nodded gently, getting comfortable in her brothers arms. Instead of pushing her away as he normally would, Adam let her sleep.

He didn't know if it would be the last time they would hug one another or not. He took in her scent, soemthing he would keep with him until he had the real thing beside him.

Though he may not have ever admitted it, Adam loved his sister and knew his heart would shatter if anything happened to her.

GOLDEN TICKET , george luzWhere stories live. Discover now