25: Cry Wolf

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Draco's touch was tender and caring as he aided Skye with removing her dreadfully cold and soaked clothing. The freezing air around her sopping clothing had started to freeze the fabric to her skin, so Draco was quick to scoop her up in his arms after diving in after her. He hadn't cared that the lake was below freezing temperature, his brain was instinctively wired to go after her, so that's exactly what he did. While he was also soaked and sure to have contracted hypothermia, he continued to focus on his shivering queen.

Her body trembled in his arms and he quickly started the shower, making sure that the water wasn't too hot to burn her skin. Draco decided that taking her back to her sleeping quarters would be the best location to revive her back to full health as all her belongings were in considerable reach. He placed her under the running shower faucet while cradling her body against him, not caring that she was receiving most of the heated water. Skye was his top priority, end of story.

Slowly her shivers ceased to exist and her breathing evened out of the audible chatters of her teeth. Draco continued to caress her skin as it warmed to normal temperature, his fingers stroking her dampened hair as she continued to cling to him. Her cheek nuzzled against his chest and she listened to his thumping heartbeat. It pulsed rhythmically and calmed her senses.

Their silence was full of many unsaid words

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Their silence was full of many unsaid words. Draco was the first to speak as he whispered, "I'm sorry." Skye lifted her dewy lashes to gaze up at him. She reached to graze his cheek with her fingers, feather-light, and gentle as if she were touching a ghost.

"It's not your fault." He furrowed his brows and held her palm against his face, then leaned into her softened touch.

"I'm going to kill that bastard." Another length of silence falls between them as they stand together in the steam of the shower. After a point in time, Skye shifts their positions so that Draco is standing directly under the hot stream of water instead of her.

He retaliates at first, "No, you need the warmth."

"Don't be a stubborn prick, Draco. You dove into that water just the same as I did." Knowing that his stubbornness wouldn't get around her, he complied, though to great dislike. Draco connected their foreheads together.

"You scared me half to death when you fell through that ice." Skye rested her hands at the back of her lover's neck.

"People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves, Draco. They don't look beautiful when they fall." Draco held her closer to his naked body, wanting, needing to feel her against him. Something about her pressing her luscious curves into the ridges of his skin gave him a sense of belonging. "We are all broken in some way. That's how the light gets in." He was taken aback by her versatile use of wisdom. She probably had no idea that she'd just described his entire wellbeing in a matter of simple words and two sentences. This girl, this charming, heavenly, charismatic woman pieced him together like a goddamn puzzle and she didn't even realize it.

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