It was all going so well

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I got up early to start my first day at work, I wanted to serve people coffee in the morning, because most of those people were going to work and hopefully I would see someone I knew I barely knew anyone here but I met a few acquaintances.

~•Time skip•~

I got home and decided to dye my hair I got bored of the black and platinum blonde I decided to dye the platinum sides red. After however long I had to wait I washed it out and it looked good, I felt satisfied. I decided that I would call ray to talk about my shitty first day. I dialed his number, he picked up almost immediately. "Hey Frank! How was your first day?" He smiled. "It was good, I mean there were a few downs to it, I got someone's order wrong and they lost it throwing it to the ground and yelling at me, and then some girl wouldn't stop flirting with me she wouldn't get the hint that I didn't like her." Ray sighed. "Why don't you date someone, you haven't moved on yet and I'm getting worried it's almost been a month." I sighed, bullshit, I did move on, but Ray would think I was crazy if I told him I've fallen for a ghost. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine I just haven't found the right guy yet." Ray gasped. "Are you bi?" I sighed. "Yes Ray, but i'm more into guys." I really didn't mean to say that. "You should of told me sooner bud, I support you all the way through your love life." He really sounded like a mom. "Thanks Ray." I smile. "You're welcome Frank, bye" Then he hangs up before I could say bye. I sigh. I want to go over to the Asylum to visit ghost boy, I like calling him that, it's cute! I wanted him to be my ghost boy, but I know he wouldn't allow that, he thinks it's wrong, I can see why, but I just wish it was possible.

~•Time skip•~
Jet was just sitting on my lap while I was watching Beetle Juice. I love that movie a lot I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

~•Time skip cause he was literally just sleeping•~

I woke up on the couch, the morning light coming in through the blinds, I must if fallen asleep while watching the movie, I looked down to see Jet cuddling next to me. He was already so attached to me, I felt special, no dog I've had ever attached to me like Jet did. It was really cute. I decided to move to my bed and get more sleep it was early. I got some more sleep and decided to get up when it was a bit later, eleven am to be exact, I got up and stretched deciding to just get up and get ready to pay ghost boy a little visit. I wore a Misfits tee, skinny jeans, and my skeleton gloves. I grabbed the bag I never unpacked from the first time I went over to the asylum. I called Ray earlier and he said he would look after Jet, Jet has grown up a bit. I grabbed his leash and he was excited.

~•A tiny time skip•~

I drove into Ray's driveway and knocked on the door, he answered smiling and looking down at Jet and petting him. I thanked Ray and said bye to Jet, heading back to my car and driving to the asylum. I pulled in, parked, and got out walking in, I liked it for the aesthetic it was so creepy and cool. I made my way around the asylum it was really old, like Ray had said it was built in the 1300s. I ended up bumping into Mikey causing him to start up a conversation. "Oh hey Frank! How have you been? Gerard told me about how he visited you! What happened?" I was surprised by the sudden questions so I only answered one. "I've been good, how about you Mikey?" He smiled. "Good!" I smiled. "You should probably go find Gerar-" Mikey was interrupted "Frank?" I hear Gerard say. I turn around. "Hey!" I say blushing at my sudden enthusiasm. I start walking towards Gerard. But then his expression changed he was looking above me. "FRANK!" I see him running towards me a confused look appears on my face but then something hits me

~•Wait what happened to Frank? You'll have to see, cya later lovelies - Bumblebee✨🐝•~

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