4th May 1994

236 4 0

- AN: I wrote this story in 2014 and found it the other day. I've done some light editing and wanted to continue it. -

I bade my mother and father a good day, walking out of the door and into the surprisingly warm morning air.
Once I knew they are no longer watching me, I hooked my cassette player onto my belt and let it play Soundgarden's 'Spoonman' at an obnoxious volume and skateboarded down the hill with my school bag on my back.

Upon being a block away from school, I put my stuff behind a shop and identified it
The .. Adult.. Toy .. Store.
Sounds funny, sounds weird.

Ok, I know where to get my things later.

After signing in at school I made a run for it.

You see, my short plan was that if my parents ever called it would be I was signed in for school and my 'friend' Sarah would cover for me by saying I was either in the bathroom, talking to the teacher, or in the medical department feeling sick.
Stupidly enough, it worked every time.
I had to take the tram to reach my destination.
I'd only been skipping school for the past two months.
I'd been sneaking of to Tavastia or Teatro to watch new and upcoming bands play and, with dreamy determination, attempt to sign myself in for a show of my own. I had to wait until I was fifteen until I could sign myself in with a band. We called ourselves Tunteeton. Finnish for Uncaring or Heartless.
We'd been trying to get in for a month now, using our young and dumb vanity as our strength.

I had cockily proclaimed to all my bandmates that today we would get on the list of performances.
I filled in the form about the band and handed it in to the man in front of me who's face kind of represented a beaver mixed with a giraffe.
After scanning it through twice he actually considered. I couldn't imagine my stereotypical skater attire made me look any more worthy for the stage.
I reminded myself to pull my brown hair out of the tight high bun before the performance. It also didn't help with looking like a rock singer.
I supposed my writing was good after all, the man was nodding approvingly as he scanned the page.

"Alright, you can perform two songs and then you're off," I nod and accept graciously and wait before I'm in the corridor to cheer and call my bandmates Ankee, Janne and Isobel with the news.
We were the opening performance of the afternoon.

I went to turn the corridor and accidentally knock arms with a boy.
"Sori!" we say in unison.
In an awkward frozen moment, our green eyes lock before I force myself to keep walking.
Wow, he was beautiful. Cute brown dreadlocks too, brilliant Green eyes, even a Bad Brains shirt...
Shut up Kayla. It was just a glimpse of him.

The girls arrived and we got our instruments sorted out in the backstage area. We'd never been in a backstage before, yet we all pretended it was our usual, for the sake of our nerves.
"Ok girls," I begin to brief; "We have about ten minutes maximum on the stage so I recommend we do the song we've been practising lately," They nod and we take our breaths before going on stage. I decide to briefly talk.

"Hei," I call awkwardly, feeling more aware of my youth in the room of adults. "We're new and still writing our EP, so we decided to do a cover song for the sake of it,"
Ankee prepares the distortion on her guitar and hits the first note to the song while bending the string. I can tell she is the most confident of as all. She was born to play guitar, that was for sure.
"Ok, this is called Rebel Yell," there were one or two 'whoop' s when people recognised the song.
Ankee played the riff, joined by Janne on the drums and Isobel on the bass. All my friends were dressed for rock'n'roll. Both Isobel and Ankee had colored their hair bright unnatural colors. Janne had cropped hair.
I was relatively plain. I wanted my parents to be okay with my extra-curricular activities so I pleased them by keeping myself simple in appearance.
For now at least.
I breathed in as I count to my vocal part.

"Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door
Last night a little angel came pumping on the floor
She said "Come on baby I got a license for love
And if it expires pray help from above"
In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"
In the midnight hour babe- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell- "more, more, more"
More, more, more.
She don't like slavery, she won't sit and beg
But when I'm tired and lonely she sees me to bed
What set you free and brought you to me babe
What set you free I need you here by me
In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"
In the midnight hour babe- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell- "more, more, more"
He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from the seven eleven
Well he's out all night to collect a fare
Just so long, just so long it don't mess up his hair.
I walked the world with you, babe
A thousand miles with you
I dried your tears of pain, babe
A million times for you
I'd sell my soul for you babe
For money to burn with you
I'd give you all, and have none, babe
Just to, just to, just to, to have you here by me
In the midnight hour she cried- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried- "more, more, more"
In the midnight hour babe- "more, more, more"
With a rebel yell she cried "more, more, more"
More, more, more.
Oh yeah little baby
She want more
More, more, more, more, more.
Oh yeah little angel
She want more
More, more, more, more."

The crowd's reaction was delightfully positive. We had enough time to play our minor grunge inspired piece that was still in its demo stage.
The crowd was polite and quiet for the song and again surprised us with cheer after we finished and walked off stage.
I'd seen him watching us too; towards the back corner.
That boy I'd bumped into before earlier.

The manager of the establishment asked to talk to the band. We voted Janne as our spokesperson. The rest of us swarmed to our van.

"We kicked arse!" Ankee whooped.
"I was totally not expecting you to belt out that note before the solo, Kayla," I blushed.
I'd practically screamed out the note before Ankee's solo because of the adrenaline. I could feel my throat becoming a little bit dry for sure. I was new to the style of singing.
"Haha, Ankee's solo was great and your bass underneath was very precise I never heard one misnote, And Janne's drum rolls were so the glue that held it together,"
I just, I'm proud of the accomplishment. First concert!

"Hey Kayla, Want a beer?" Isobel asked, popping one for herself. I playfully snatched it from her, "thanks, don't mind if I do," she rolled her eyes and opened another one for herself from the cooler in the van.

All together we had saved our money to by an old van which we'd modified with stickers. Ankee was eighteen six months ago. We let her own and use the van.

Finally, Janne came out and who broke the news that we are performing again a week later and a record company were coming that day.
We hollered and cheered and hugged as a group.

"Ville, Shut up! Stop taking it so seriously!" I hear an angry familiar voice. Upon turning around, I see that boy and another boy arguing, another boy whom I knew.

How about I be annoying and interrupt?
I walk so that I am closer to the shouting boy.
"Hey Mikko!" He turns and looks at me, ending his rant about who-knows.
"I heard you were going off to the army training, Good luck," I smile.

His family and my family go back to when we were absolute midgets eating mashed vegetables.

"Thanks Kayla. You did fantastic today, I saw you up there," He hugs me and then before I can react, flips me upside down and spins me. My tank top begins to slip down, exposing the turquoise lace of my bra. the dreadlock boy continued his staring. Using my adrenaline to my advantage, I attempt to send him a wink while upside down.
His lip curved upwards.
Operation successful.
"Oi, Paananen, put me down slowly," He did ask instructed and before I hit the ground I went into a back bend position and stood up. "I'm gonna miss you though," I fist bump him and then turn around properly and stick out my hand to Mr. Dreads.
"Hi I'm Kayla Vanhala,"

"Ville Valo," He replies.
I hear the horn from the van beep.

"Get in the car now!" Janne shouts. I smile.
"I left my stuff behind a shop, I gotta head that way, I feel like walking," I call back. I hug Mikko one last time before grabbing my bag from Janne and walking that long direction over the bridge.

Yup, 20 minute walk.

Suddenly Ville is by my side again.
We are closer to the destination I seek.
"Stalking?" I ask.
He laughs instead of taking offence. "No, that's my dad's shop," He pointed at the place where I'd left my stuff.
Well that's a coincidence.

We talk a little and we learn that we kind of both have the same interests and wishes for the future.
Rock n Roll. He sings too but prefers bass.
He skips school for music too.
Within 15 minutes of talking and standing outside the shop, my superficial interest slowly developed into a crush.
We stoo at the entrance.
"Well, nice meeting you Ville, might see you soon," I smile.
"You too Kayla, soon you'll have your own record label deal," the smile enhances at the thought.
Ville has given me a swift kiss on the cheek and could feel a blush forming.
"You know, I don't really need to go into the store yet," Ville reassured after noticing my reaction was not negative. He walked me to where I'd put my things.
"I don't need to get home yet," I replied.
From that, we were suddenly kissing.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned against the wall behind me.

I didn't want to break away, but I wanted to be aware of the time.
"Nice to meet you, I will probably know you more soon," my farewell words begin.
"Hei Hei," He replied. I skated away, overthinking about not falling over in front of my new crush.

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