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"Do animals get greasy hair???" Mista said, seemingly unphased by the strangeness of the question.

The group looked up from their plates to eye their friend. Narancia launched a tomato at his cap only to be met by a smack from Fugo.

"Most animals keep themselves clean, unlike some." Abbacchio smirked, he was in a good mood tonight, everything was peaceful and nothing was gonna ruin it.

Mista frowned at the comment turning to Giorno and gesturing for back up. But the blond just shrugged and continued eating. All was silent for about 3 minutes until-

"Could I get a little help here?" Bucciarati was calling from the entrance of the restaurant. Giorno stood up to see what he was calling for when the man suddenly appeared in the doorway to the smaller dining area holding a...

"Christ!" Abbacchio sighed and turned his back to the door ignoring everything but his plate of lasagna.

"Bucciarati what the fuck?!" Mista exclaimed before shoving a fistful of pasta into his mouth and standing from his seat.

Bucciarati ignored the comments from his team, laying the girl on the tiled floor.

"Narancia look in her bag and see if you can find some ID so we can find out where she lives and get her home before she remembers what happened."

"What exactly did happen?" Giorno knelt next to Bucciarati, wiping the blood off the girl's face with a napkin.

"She was getting mugged by that Bernie guy you'd been looking for, Fugo. I felt bad not stepping in after what's been on the news about those other girls. She probably has a concussion so if she wakes up chances are she won't remember where she lives." He explained.

Giorno traced his fingers along her cheek as he dabbed at the cut along her top lip. He sighed and brought out his stand.

Fugo was leaning on the back of his chair, looking at the scene. "Giorno, is that really a good idea? She'll be suspicious if the cuts on her face are suddenly just gone."

"I suppose you're right." He withdrew his Golden Experience and continued to try and stop the bleeding in the normal way.

"She doesn't have a driver's license... But... Credit card nice. Her name is... y/n l/n... Am I saying that right?" He looked up at Fugo who nodded approvingly.

Bucciarati took the card from the boy before he could try and stuff it in his pocket. Putting her belongings back in her bag he dropped it next to Giorno and left.

After a couple of seconds of awkward silence, Giorno heard the girl murmur as her eyes began to flutter open.



My eyes flickered open, everything was blurry for a few seconds as I blinked and rubbed at them to try and make them focus. When they finally adjusted I was met with a pair of green eyes looking worriedly at me.

"I- What?" I mumbled trying to sit up. There were 4 other men in the room, all of them were dressed rather uniquely, and all were staring at me. Remembering the attack I shuffled away from the group and backed myself up against the wall.

We were in a smaller section of a large restaurant, the floor was brown and tiled and the walls were yellow with a green stripe running along them. It didn't exactly look 5 stars but it definitely looked nice.

"It's okay we're not going to hurt you. My name is Giorno Giovanna... What's yours?" He smiled warmly.

"y-y/n l/n" I replied nervously, eyeing the other men. The one with the bandana did a small fist pump and smiled brightly at one of the others who just nodded and put a finger to his lips.

"It's good you remember. Apparently you took quite the blow to the head."

I became aware of a warm feeling on my face, as I raised my hand to my lips I flinched as a sharp pain spread through my face and I became aware of all the cuts and bruises on my body. Pulling my hand away I could see there was fresh blood on my finger tips.

"Are you alri-" The man in the weird cap began before being cut off by another one coming into the room.

"Oh, she's awake. That's good I suppose," He frowned a little before smiling "Bruno Bucciarati. I brought you here, sorry if it scared you." He passed a piece of paper to the orange one.

I nodded and smiled a little looking down, unsure of what to say next.

"Sorry if this is intrusive as well but we didn't know if you'd remember so we found your address," The orange one waved the piece of paper in his hand. I looked up shocked. "Narancia here will drive you." Bucciarati gestured to the orange one who smiled and began to step forward.

"No, it's okay Narancia," Giorno stood holding up his hand. "I'll drive her. I need to get home anyway I have some work to sort out." He took the paper from the confused boy and walked over to me, hand outstretched.

Nervously, I took his hand. He effortlessly pulled me off the ground, resting another hand on my shoulder to keep me steady as the blood rushed from my head and the room began to spin.

"Come on, my car's not far down the road." He kept ahold of my hand to keep me steady, as the two of us slowly left the restaurant.


"What's gotten into him?" Narancia questioned, looking at the pair as they walked out the door. "Giorno doesn't usually leave for ages, and he hasn't even finished his-"

Fugo threw a bun at the boy before he could blabber on anymore. He seemed to be the only one who didn't understand.

"Buccairatiiiii" He whined.

But Buccairati only smiled, looking at the door with his arms crossed like a proud mother.


That Frube I had was real nice in case you were wondering. Goddamn I love Frubes, but I also love handholding even if it is just to steady someone. Anyway, Have fun with your lives stay hydrated.

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