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"Fugo? Where have you been?" Narancia looked up from his work.

"Where's Giorno?" He asked, quickly scanning over Narancias work for mistakes

"Him, Mista and Bucciarati are on their wa-" Narancia explained, before being whacked on the head by the man "What was that forrr?!" He wailed.

"P=m/v, we've been over this don't be stupid." He sat down next to the boy. Narancia grumbled, leaning over his work to hide it from Fugo until he was finished.


"Ayo Abbacchio, what is up!" Mista nudged the man's shoulder as he was slumped over his food listening to music, only to be met with a punch to the chin.

"Giorno, there you are. Sit down come on this is interesting you'll want to hear." Fugo encouraged the blond to take the seat next to him.

"Sure... What's this about?" Giorno looked skeptical, usually, if he talked to Fugo it would just be him complaining about Narancia or Mista.

"So I was walking along the beach this afternoon when I saw your new lady friend sat with her friend on a bench, so out of natural curiosity I listened in a bit and," He looked around at the faces of his peers, they were all leaning in expectantly, Giorno looked a bit bothered at the thought Fugo had eavesdropped but they were gangsters for crying out loud, what did he expect. "She thinks you're cute." He said, somewhat calmly compared to the tension he had created.

Abbacchio leaned back in his chair, "don't know what she's thinking, are we talking about the same Giorno?"

Giorno ignored the insult trying his best to keep himself calm and stop himself blushing in front of his friends.

"Well, what exactly did she say?" Mista asked, curiosity and a little bit of jealousy getting the better of him.

"I don't remember exactly this was hours ago, her friend was asking her about what had happened and when y/n mentioned you she went feral asking if you were cute or not and she just sort of said yeah," Fugo explained.

"You're calling someone feral Fugo? That's rich." Narancia piped up, earning himself a knife in the hand.

Ignoring his friends screaming in agony, Mista chimed in again, "this is it, Giorno, cmon you're 18 have you ever had a girlfriend?" He looked at the boy teasingly, sure Giorno was his superior, but that wasn't gonna stop him from making fun of him. Giorno was pouting and looking down at the slices of margarita pizza the waiter had brought him.

"Exactly," Mista continued, "this is your chance. Shoot your shot have some fun, Mafia bosses are supposed to have bitches left and right." Mista extended his arms pretending to have girls next to him.

"I can't, it's too dangerous if she's with me and someone finds out they'd go for her and it'd be my fault." He looked down sadly at the cheese melting onto his plate. "I couldn't do that to some innocent girl."

The group went silent, thinking about their boss's words, it was true being involved in the mafia like that was dangerous. Most gangsters would die alone with no family, others would have a string of one night stands and usually end up with a few accidental kids in the process. It was rare for someone in their line of work to have a family, and if they did it would be kept a secret, which is a very hard type of relationship to deal with. Even the last Passione boss didn't have any family, or at least... He tried to not have any family.

"Come on Gio boi, you already went out of your way to extend her deadline, you're fixing the elevator in her building. Are you just gonna keep a silent eye on her forever?"


Imagine if they kept Freakin you as the credit song for part 5 and that played after Abbacchio's tragic death. Sorry but that thought has been plaguing me for hours.

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