You Are Beautiful

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“ The decadents have ruined Paris if you ask me. These French women couldn’t lift a hairbrush.”

Amy was busy reading a letter from home, while Trixie looked off into the distance, thinking of when she should next be at rehearsals. The company she has been dancing with has been touring, and she was supposed to dance Clara from the nutcracker at the next concert. Neither one of them answered to Aunt March’s jab towards the french. Trixie found her thoughts drifting to a young man’s face. Laurie had almost constantly been on her mind, since his proposal. She paid no attention to Amy and Aunt March’s conversation, for she had heard it before when Aunt March had discussed it with her at the hotel they were staying at. Suddenly she heard Amy shouting

“STOP THE CARRIAGE! LAURIE! LAURIE!” abandoning all primness she jumped out the carriage and ran, bumping into every one to get to Laurie, almost knocking him over with the force of her hug.

“My! You’ve grown so much!”

“You wrote you’d meet me at the hotel!”

“I looked for you and couldn’t find you anywhere!”

“You didn’t look hard enough!”

“Maybe I just didn’t recognize you, you’ve become so beautiful.”

“Oh stop it”

“I thought you liked that sort of thing!”

“NO. Where’s your Grandfather?”

“Still in Germany. I’m traveling on my own now, and-.”

“Flirting, gambling and drinking” Amy joked

“Yes, well don’t tell your mother”

“Are you chasing some young girl across Europe?” Laurie paused when he saw Trixie half standing in the carriage, looking as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“No, well not intentionally”

“You know, I think that Trixie is regretting asking you for time.”

“Yeah, well she still has time to say yes,” Laurie says pursing his lips

“AMY! AMY MARCH! YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” Amy turned around to see Trixie trying to pacify Aunt March.

“Oh, Aunt March!” Amy says embarrassed. Laurie got a mischievous glance in his eye, running over he kissed Aunt March on the cheek

“Aren’t we looking fine, Ma’am.” he teases, as Aunt March flustered around, he can hardly turn before he is attacked by another hug. It was Trixie.

“I missed you Lu” she whispers into his neck

“Same here Fae” She pulls away, giving him a shaky smile, before kissing his cheek. Laurie felt his heart soaring, and for a moment, those two were in a world of their own. Trixie was the first one to come back to reality. She quickly started talking again

“Come to the New Year’s Eve Party! It’s a ball and everyone will be there, including Fred – You can pick me up at the hotel at eight - the Chavan!” Trixie shouted at him “Oh and Laurie, dress for festivities! Top hats and silks!

“I will! I’ll wear my best silk!” he laughed at her words before continuing his stroll, with a much lighter heart. As she sat back down she saw Amy and Aunt March Looking at her with a knowing smile

“What it’s Laurie”

“I know.” Aunt March raises an eyebrow and rolls her eyes.


The party was lively, and Trixie was everyone’s favorite at the ball. She smiled and danced and was gracious to everyone, but inside she felt like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Laurie hadn’t shown up. She thought he would because he never broke his word, but now she wondered. She was dancing with Fred when some drunk splattered her with wine shouting

~Fragile~ a Teddy Laurence Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now