weeks 10,11,12

137 8 1

December 4

"Hello? Michael?"

"Hi, Mr. Newark."

Michael had been thinking a lot about proposing lately. He decided he wanted Abby to be his for the rest of his life, or in cliche terms, she was the "one". It made him unbelievably happy that she loved him, and he knew how lucky he was to have her in his life.

"Hi, how've you been? "

"Yes, sir. How's Abby, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Ah, she's been good; talks about you a lot. She said you won't be home for Christmas, is that true?"

Michael sighed, "I just bought a ticket to Australia and I'll be arriving Christmas Eve, but it's a surprise."

"Oh, alright! What did you call for, did you need something?"

"I actually needed to ask you something."

"Go for it, kiddo."

"Can I-I propose to Abby? I need your permission; if not it's-it's okay. I can ask later if you don't think we're ready, I just thought maybe it could be a Christmas present or something because I love her and-"

Mr. Neward chuckled, "You want permission to marry my daughter?"

Michael nodded, forgetting he had to talk. "Oh, yes, please. I love her so much, and we've been together for three years and I think we're ready."

The line was filled with both male and female voices, presumably Mrs. Newark. Michael couldn't make out the words and sentenced being passed in the conversation, but he prayed they were on the same boat as him.


"Hi, Mrs. Newark."

"So you want to marry our little Abby?"

"Yes, please. I love her so much and I think we're ready."

"Well, we think you're ready too. And we won't tell her about your arrival."

Michael grinned and thanked them repeatedly, hanging up the phone. He was beyond excited now, and he looked up at the bunk ceiling before drifting to sleep with a smile on his face.


December 11

"Hey, cutie." Michael greeted Abby as her cute face appeared on the his computer screen. He felt his heart beating quickly at the sight of his soon-to-be fiancée, and he couldn't wipe the smile on his face.

"What's gotten into you?" Abby asked, giggling as her boyfriend grinned at her through the scren. She had never seen him so happy, and it made her glad he wasn't moping around like earlier.

"Nothing; just happy to talk to you," he replied, his cherry lips curled upwards into a sheepish grin. "Anyway, what have you been up to?"

Abby sighed, "Nothing much, just the usual work. How about you?"

"Recording, sleeping, thinking of you, jacking off-"

"Michael!" Abby squealed, covering her mouth to supress her giggles as Michael laughed along with her.

"I'm joking, I'm joking."

"Yeah, right."

They continued to talk, spending more than an hour catching up before Abby had to sleep.

"Goodnight, babe. Love you."

"Love you too, Mikey."


December 18

"I need the best engagement ring you have," Michael declared as he entered the small jewelry shop downtown. The clerk looked up from her paper work and shifted her small, metal framed glasses down the bridge of her pointed nose.

"What's your price range?" she asked, her tone of voice much friendlier than Michael had expected.

"I don't know, anything really."

She nodded and led me over to the display case containing a variety of diamond rings. I gazed at each one, guessing the price range somewhere between seven hundred dollars and a thousand.

"Woah," he muttered under his breath, pressing the palms of his hands onto the glass.

"Sir," the clerk chirped, gesturing to his hands which were already leaving prints on the display case.

He removed his hands and let them hang limply at his sides as he mumbled an apology. His cheeks burned as he continued to examine each ring, none of them really suiting Abby.

"Do you - um - have any more? Sorry, these just don't seem like girlfriend's type of ring." he explained, feeling guilty and embarassed. The clerk smiled and nodded, leading him to another display case lined up with even more rings, each one unique diamond.

He studied the rings provided and his eyes stopped on a small one with a diamond that screamed Abby to him.

"Can I see this one?" Michael asked, pointing at the ring that had caught his eye. The lady nodded and retrieved the ring and held a glove out for him to put on.

He slipped the glove onto his hand and took the ring from her grasp, meticulously inspecting it to make sure it was "the one".

"How much is this?" He questioned continuing to look at the ring, knowing it'd be one Abby loved. It was a decent sized ring; plain, simple, nothing that was too extravagant. It fit her perfectly, for she wasn't someone who loved to be in the spotlight.

"About a thousand dollars," the clerk answered, silently praying to herself he would purchase it.

Michael thought to himself for a moment, "it's a bit on the pricey side," he silently looked at the ring and thought of Abby, "I'll take it."


wowie 2nd to last chApter!! :D

i just realized how awkward the names are in this bc abigail breslin you know the you suck girl and michael bUT in my defense i planned this out in september before that song came out!!

yA tho thanks for everyone who read this i had so much fun writing!

vote and comment please :) i love all of you heh

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