home sweet home

204 11 4

December 25 || 2:57 am

Michael unlocked the door, hoping Abby was sound asleep by now.

His plane had arrived at around two in the morning, and Abby's parents agreed to pick him up and let him spend the night at their house.

Nothing was heard except their footsteps as they crept through the house, placing Michael's luggage by the door. He thanked them for allowing him to crash at their residence as the jet lag kicked in.

"The ring you chose is beautiful by the way," Mrs. Newark gushed as she hugged Michael. He chuckled and hugged her back before retreating back to his position near his luggage.

"I know you'll treat her good, son," Mr. Newark said as he patted Michael on the back. There were tears brimming in the old man's eyes, and his wife gently slapped him on the arm.

"Sorry, I'm just glad our little girl will be with you. She loves you a lot."

Michael grinned, thanking them before hugging them goodnight and heading off to Abby's room.

Before he made it a step further, he turned and pointed to an extra bag lying next to his suitcase.

"Mrs. Newark, do you think you can wrap the item in the bag? I would do it but-"

"No worries, dear. You go get some rest.

"Thank you," he grinned again before turning back around and walking.

The hallways were the same, decorated with recent and old pictures of Abby. Her picture from her sophmore year in highschool sent a wave of nostalgia through Michael, for he remembered that year as if it was yesterday. He met Abby that year, and he never knew he would be with her to this day.

He quietly padded into her room, her light snores filling the air. He held back his excitement as he slipped his clothing off until he was left in only his sweatpants he had worn during the flight home.

Slowly, he peeled the covers off his girlfriend's body and climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around her waist in the first time since September. She made no sound of acknowledgment as she stayed silent, and he let out a chuckle and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek.

"Hi, baby- I missed you," he whispered before shutting his eyes, drifting to sleep.



Startled, Michael jumped awake, letting out a yelp as he looked around the room.

"Michael!" Abby squealed, looking at the red headed boy in front of her and quickly pulling him in for a hug.

"Oh my God! What are you doing here? You said- I- what?"

Michael laughed as he cradled her in his arms, the feeling of wet tears on his chest. Abby let out a watery giggle as she held him impossibly close not fully believing he was home for Christmas.

"Hey, I got a present for you." he mumbled, tilting her chin up and greeting her lips with an affectionate kiss.

She pulled away, her eyes sparkling with excitement, as well as tears.

"Really? Oh, I got you something too but the shipment got delayed and they said it won't be here until next week, God damnit-"

"Shhh," Michael said with a grin before grabbing her hands and pulling her out of bed, "come on, let's open presents."


"Michael! You shouldn't have!"

Abby stared in awe at the purse that was in her hands. She hugged it to her chest, giggling as she turned and gave a kiss to Michael.

"I felt bad for ruining your other one, so I bought you this to make up for it. Do you like it? If not, I can return it-"

She pressed her lips to his, "Shush, it's perfect; I love it. Thank you."

Mrs. Newark walked into the living room, a tray of festive holiday cookies in her hand.

"That's a nice purse, Abby, did Michael get it for you?" she asked, feigning curiousity. She knew it was from Michael- she had wrapped it for him last night.

"Yes, isn't it adorable? Oh my gosh, I love it. Thank you!"

The woman now smirked at Michael, her foot nudging the small box under the tree. "Michael, honey, don't you have another present for Abby?"

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as he timidly nodded.

"What? You got me two gifts? Now you really shouldn't have, babe. I feel bad." Abby sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Don't worry," Michael reassured her as he got up from his seat on the couch and picked up the box under the tree, "this is something for the both of us."

"Please don't tell me it's a weird sex toy or something," Abby joked, her mom not finding her joke as amusing.

"Abigail!" she scolded, crossing her arms across her chest.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Michael chuckled as he approached Abby, fumbling with the box. His hands began to feel rather clammy as he looked between her and the box, and his heart felt as if it would burst out of his chest at any given moment.

"Um," he began awkwardly, slowly sliding down onto one knee as he held the box in front of him, "Abby, we met in high school and from the moment you tripped into my english class, I knew I wanted to get to know you. I'm so glad you gave us a chance and I can proudly say you made me a better person. I love you more than words can explain, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. As cliche as this proposal is, will you marry me, Abigail Newark?"

The room was silent, Mr. Newark standing still as a statue when he started to stroll into the room.

Abby's hands were covering her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. She tried to answer, but no words came out, so she rapidly nodded, flining her arms around Michael's neck.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes!" she squealed once she calmed down and Michael felt a weight being lifted off his shoulders as he smiled. Their lips locked and he slid the ring onto her finger, feeling on top of the world.

"Merry Christmas, fiancée," he whispered, his forehead resting on her's as his Christmas wishes came true.


wOwie ok im currently sitting in a corner at my grandmas house writing this for the past two hrs

i really hope you guys liked this story!! i had a lot of fun writing and i hope it wasnt too cliche oopsies haha

share/vote/comment, i appreciate everything :)

if you want me to write another one of these for another boy, just let me know!! id be happy to write more

catch u guys l8r

twitter: afterpartycal
instagram: hemmos1996
tumblr: softie5sos

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