The War

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Annabelles POV

My mind was in a jumble. Horrifying things flashed through my mind and I could feel myself there, yet not. The experiments, the escape, the woman. The same voice that had been in my dream was here in my mind. How was it here in my head? What is this part of my mind? I could see the part of my mind that guarded from these memories. The woman of ice, The part of my father. I still could barely understand anything but from what I could see I knew these people who had committed these horrifying acts against the children of The School had to be punished, because this was a horrifying place. A hell of the worst kind.

I awoke the new memories flashing through out my mind. The water acted as a warm, calming blanket against the cold, terrifying nightmares of mind. I slowly lifted myself from the bathtub as I heard Lena and Elizabeth talking in the other room. I looked to see my leather jacket and hoodie on the bathroom counter. I realized in an instant that she has thrown me in the water only removing my jacket and hoodie nothing else, leaving me in wet clothing. That bitch. I threw off my wet clothing scowling. "I can't believe you threw me into the bathtub!" I exclaimed. "Well, actually I can believe it but god damn seriously?!?" I yelled. Entering the other room Lena looked at me not caring, "You became something that I don't know, so I saved your ass." She said seriously. "Well, still." I muttered. Elizabeth had a bewildered but understanding expression upon her faced. I felt no need to ask her why, I had heard enough of Lena and Elizabeth's conversation to know why. "So I'm guessing the school is where the YouTubers ended up as kids?" I asked. Elizabeth nodded, her expression grim. "So Elizabeth do you have anything to tell us about The School or mutants in general?" I asked Elizabeth suddenly she looked up, with the face one would hold when remembering a grim memory.

My father told me a story that day at the school, of The First International Mutant War. It took place about the same time as the Vietnam Movement started. And well that was the surface conflict that the whole world saw. But there was a second conflict underneath it. Two mutants led this war against the US Goverment. One was Maria Quinn, a beautiful and deadly storm bringer. She was able to do things none before her had, with the well practiced power over technology and telepathy. Her husband was a man by the name of Maurice Quinn, he was a man who could become a terrifying, invincible Ice Monster. Together their war waged that is until, two children were born. The twins Bella Sara and Luna Mira. There's a rule of thumb in the mutant world about kids with powers. If they have power it's stronger than yours and if they don't, they have nothing. But the goverment took the children, all of the children. There parents surrendered, but the children still suffered.

"I'm guessing the escape has got to be where everyone met?" Lena asked. "I guess it is." I answered her. "So what do we do now?" Elizabeth asked. "Sleep." I answered. And hope to god that the Smosh Games Crew doesn't figure us out and try to kill us in our beds.

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