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Ian's POV

Last night had been a really scary night for us. Mari and Lasercorn had run into the hotel room, bleeding and bruised. And as I was attending to their wounds Sohinki had teleported Joven and himself into the room after barely getting away from MK. MK as we call them are Mutant Killers. Luckily, Kalel and Anthony attended to the others. From what they said some sort of ice monster attacked them after leaving a bar. It had been after Mari, but had nearly killed Sohinki from smacking him into a wall. But the MK arrived and she got teleported off by someone with fire powers. Joven said one of the MK had said it was a Quinn. If it was a Quinn then that means the Quinn twins are real. The Quinn twins were the Santa Claus of mutants. If they were real that meant something was brewing and what might happen was a scary thought to everyone in the room.

"I can't be the only one who thinks we have even a bigger threat upon us now than before. But how is this even possible?" Joven asked, clenching and unclenching his fist repetitively. "Let's leave our dreading thoughts in the gutter, alright Joven?" Mari said looking at the ground. "But they're the MK! The Quinn twins! We're screwed on the highest level God damn it!" Joven snapped but Mari just left the room. I looked over at Sohinki, to see that he appeared deep in thought as I knew his mind had wandered back to his days at the hell called The School. Sohinki had been the closest of anyone to the twins back at the School. In fact he had been in the same cell as they were, and hopefully may know how to approach them. "Sohinki has to talk with them though." I announced to the room. A chorus of agreement followed my order. "But who are they?" Anthony said. No one spoke and no one wanted Mari to search for her again. "Mari did you get a name when you were in her mind?" I asked her. "All I mangled to see was a book cover." Mari replied. "What was the title?" Wes spoke up from where he sat. "Unnatural." Mari replied. Wes grabbed his laptop and began to type furiously. "Is this it?" Wes said, turning the screen toward Mari. Her eyes widened and she nodded her answer. "It's written by, two female writers, and whose names both correspond with the twins own names. Meet Annabelle Larken and Lena Larken. Twin literary prodigies whom both co-wrote the book about a set of male twins with powers." Wes spoke his voice jovial.

"I'll talk to them tomorrow." Sohinki said. "Maybe find out where they've been all this time."

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