Florida Oh Florida

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Lena and I were in a sort of excited daze as we got off the plane. "Come with me and you'll see a whole new world of wonder!" Lena laughed as we made our way to the baggage claim. As we walked over we heard what seemed to be confused and hushed conversation "They're getting closer dude, day by day man. We have to be very fucking careful." Lena said stopping in her tracks. "You shouldn't eavesdrop," I start just to have Lena swat her hand over my mouth and continue."It's rude." I finish. "Silence." Lena said with her Not giving A Fuck face and continued "The old leaders are still out there, and they are looking close at us all. Hell if we fuck up just once-" "HI!!" I yelled from across the airport, suddenly realizing that it was Cry and Pewdiepie. Cry had his signature white poker faced mask on his face, hiding his features from all who dared to look, even Pewds. But from the way they spoke I almost thought they were long time friends not friends who should have known each other for 1 year and obviously from the way they spoke they knew each other way longer. "Ok, what did you do Anna?" Lena asked me with her sarcastic face on like always in this type of situation, to mess with me mainly. Suddenly I ran over to Pewds and Cry. "HULLO THERE!!!" I yelled as I ran over. "Son of Bi-" Lena started. Cry said anxiously "Oh, hey friend. How's it going you want a picture with Pewds or-?" Cry started "Should we run now?" Pewds whispered to Cry nervously. I pulled our bags off the line and walked away. Lena just pinched the bridge of her nose in a frustrated and disappointed manner. I walked back to Lena and said "Jet lag. Need sleep." I stated ballantly. "Should've slept more on the plane." Lena muttered. "I SLEPT THE WHOLE DAMN RIDE!!!" I yelled in an angry manner "Shut it Sparky!" Lena snapped at me. We stared at each other in and death glare match for two seconds then proceeded to flip each other off, then fell to the the ground then rolled on the floor laughing like the psychopaths we are and practically known to be. Getting up off the floor, we walked out of the airport sliding doors. And Lena whistled and a taxi managed to stop for us. "Bro, how?" Lena just shrugged and walked to the taxi. We set our stuff in the trunk and Lena sat upfront, I sat in the back. The drive to the hotel was incredulously uneventful. After checking in we walked up to our room. I clicked the key in the door and was assaulted by the same smell you always smell at hotels. "God! Everytime the same god damn smell." I remarked snidely. "Hey! It's worse on my end." Lena snapped. We set our stuff on the floor and proceeded to flop onto the bed. We lay for a few moments before getting up and started to unpack. Suddenly the thought of the pool came into my mind. "Want to walk on over to the pool?" I asked Lena. "Fucking hell yes." I was also hit with the fact we had a whole day until we met our favorite Youtubers and had already met two. Grabbing my blue and black two piece swimsuit, I quickly walked to the second bathroom and proceeded to change. After I finished I walked out and proceeded to put on sunscreen. Which was just for me. Lena, that asshole, couldn't burn at all. "BOOCHAN!!!" Lena shouted "What is it?" I asked "Lily got me this." Lena was wearing a two piece swim suit that had the name Ryusaki scrolled in Old English Text MT. "Shit Lily you do so much for us." I said with tears in my eyes. "Yeah she does." Lena replied in an appreciative tone.

We grabbed our towels, sunglasses, and headed out to the elevator. Lena put on her sunglasses just to momentarily take them off mimicking the Mother of God meme. I laughed as the elevator, as a girl of about eighteen walked on, looked toward us in a shocked manner. "Holy shit I hit the jackpot." The girl exclaimed. "Fan?" Lena whispered to me. "Fan." I whispered back. "All my idols in one place god damn." She said shocked "Hi" I said awkwardly and Lena then said "Sup?" casually. "Holy shit." She said again I suddenly realized something. "Hey you look like you would have people or parents. So, where are they?" I asked "I don't have friends or family. I live alone and your books are all I have." Suddenly I looked to Lena and we both nodded. "Come along amiga, you're about to come on a crazy ride." Lena realized something before I did "What's your name?" She asked "My name is Elizabeth Jacobs." I realized she was wearing a two piece of her own and had one of my books, Unnatural, my biography was in her hand. Except no one but Lena and I knew this. It was our little secret. "You heading towards the pool by chance?" I asked "Yeah." She replied. "Well Avast ye matey! To le pool!" Lena exclaimed. The elevator dinged to reveal the hallway leading to the pool. After a fun pool day,our trio decided to go be idiots and head to a bar. After we changed into our individual outfits, we headed downstairs to the lobby. "You a native?" I asked Elizabeth. "Yep so how about a karaoke bar?" she asked. I looked to Lena "Sure." We replied in unison. "It's actually in walking distance so we could head there and not have to drive back." She stated "Sweet." I said. After walking towards the tiki decorated bar, we walked into a bunch of loud music, and somehow over the noise Lena could hear the conversation of what she later told me was two men "We have our eye on them. The moment any of them step out of the line, we step in and make our move." "Don't you think that would be a dumb move? It's like asking 'Hey look at me! Shoot me in the face why don't ya.'" "Jeez, harsh." We sat at the bar and ordered 3 margaritas. Though the night didn't encompass drunkenness, it did have bonding and after it was all said and done we made a new friend out of Elizabeth. Though she didn't know our powers that would be soon to be revealed. Lena was so drunk I thought she'd blow it. God damn it Lena. I thought she'd give me a heart attack and stroke. But I have to admit she's one fun drunk
KLRyusaki is helping me out this now. XD It's a lot of fun when your Senpai is helping you.

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