Chapter Thirteen

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Pavel groaned as he stretched out on the bed, slowly waking up. His body ached all over. He really should have listened to Dome and rested. Wait, Dome. Pavel's eyes flew open as he jerked upright, looking around his room for Dome. He wasn't there. In fact, Pavel couldn't a single indication that the man had ever been there. Was it a dream? If it was, it had been an incredibly realistic one.

"Ugh," Pavel moaned, twisting onto his front with his head buried in one of the pillows.

A familiar scent filled his senses. It had sweet undertones of vanilla, a strong clinical smell kind of like a hospital, and something that Pavel couldn't place exactly but recognised as uniquely Dome. It hadn't been a dream. He had actually slept with Dome and it had been amazing. However, Dome appeared to have left while he was sleeping which was not a good sign.

Pavel had no idea where they stood now. Was it a one-night stand? He really hoped not. Pavel had a big crush on his Doc, and it would really hurt if Dome didn't want to do this again.

With a reluctant sigh, Pavel got up to get ready for the day. He didn't have anything to do but rest so he could have stayed in bed, but he was hungry and wanted breakfast. Now that he had noticed Dome's scent it seemed so obvious and he didn't want to stay in his room with the reminder.

As he trudged down the stairs, Pavel made a decision. Next time he saw Dome they were going to talk, and he wasn't going to let his Doc get away without some answers. He definitely wasn't going to sleep with him again until he knew what it meant to Dome.

"Pavel, good morning," Justice called from where she was standing, placing dishes on the long dining table.

"Hey, Justice. What's all this?" Pavel muttered, gesturing to the extravagant spread.

The table was filled with all different kinds of food including waffles, pancakes, fruit salad, cereals, and eggs. There were many more but Pavel couldn't quite focus on them; he was distracted by his night with his Doc. Normally, he would have been much more excited to see that Justice had made such an exciting and diverse breakfast.

"Well, you aren't the only one that had an, shall we say, interesting night."

"What?" Pavel blurted, only blushing a little.

He wasn't truly embarrassed. It had just shocked him that Justice knew, and he hoped that Dome wasn't going to be mad that she knew.

"Gulf didn't come home from his night out with Mew and Boun texted me to say that he and Prem would be coming for breakfast today. Together. Looks like my boys have been having fun."

"Really?" Pavel murmured, smirking, pleased with the gossip.

"So, I assume Mew and Gulf will be joining us when Mew drops Gulf off," Justice began then paused to look up from where setting the table to make eye contact with Pavel, "Dome is also coming."

"Uh, Dome?" Pavel croaked, trying his best to appear nonchalant.

"You two have some talking to do. Just, be careful with my friend. He's confused."

Nervously swallowing at Justice's serious tone, Pavel nodded before heading to the kitchen to get some coffee.

"Pavel? Don't let yourself get hurt either, okay? You're my friend too."

Putting on a carefree sly smile Pavel turned to face her, continuing to walk backwards.

"Don't worry so much, Justice. I'll be fine."

"Mmm," Justice let out a disbelieving hum before sighing, "Remember he has Poppy. She is important here too."

Pavel flinched, not at Justice's words but at the realisation of his own selfishness. He had totally forgotten about Dome's girlfriend. How stupidly self-centered of him. Dome had cheated on Poppy with him. This was situation was not going to end well, at least one person was going to get hurt. Pavel had a feeling it would be him.

The door opened causing the two to immediately drop the subject. This wasn't something for everyone to know about.

"Hello everyone, me and my cutie are back!" Boun exclaimed, striding inside with a slightly sleepy Prem.

Apparently, Prem's habit for just blurting out whatever he felt like was starting to rub off Boun.

"Hey, idiot," Pavel chuckled, disappearing into the kitchen.

"Good morning, you two. I made plenty of breakfast," Justice added, joining the conversation much more politely.

"Oh, it looks so yummy and I'm so hungry," Prem babbled, rushing over to sit down.

Boun wandered over, smiling at Prem's actions, and asked, "Where's Gulf?"

"You're not going to believe this," Pavel gushed as he appeared back in the room.


"He went out with Mew last night, and he didn't come home!"


Just at that moment, Gulf walked in. Exactly the wrong time for him to do so.

"Where have you been?" Boun and Pavel shouted almost in unison.

Gulf jumped backwards in fright, falling back through the doorway and out of sight of his friends. Luckily, Mew had not yet left after dropping Gulf off and managed to catch him before he could hit the floor. With a confused Mew keeping an arm wrapped around Gulf's waist, the two stepped back inside.

"Ah! Look at Mew's arm," Prem squealed, unable to contain himself even when his cheeks were stuffed with food.

Both Mew and Gulf flushed bright red.

"Tell us, Gulf, where have you been?" Pavel commanded, putting on his best impression of an angry father.

"Uh, with Mew?" Gulf stammered, utterly confused by what was happening and quite certain that he and Mew were being teased somehow.

"Oh my- Gulf, finally. My little boy is all grown up."

Pavel fake sobbed as Boun wiped away imaginary tears. Prem giggled but was too focused on the food to actually join in with the jokesters, while Justice just rolled her eyes, a small smile betraying her amusement. Pavel began to move towards Mew and Gulf, his arms open wide for an exaggerated hug.


"Our Gulfie has finally had s-" Pavel began to declare dramatically but immediately stopped when he caught Mew's fierce glare.

"Finally, what?"

"Has a boyfriend," Mew reassured him before murmuring, "Didn't you want to get changed?"

Gulf hesitantly nodded, his brows pulled together, then headed up the stairs. When Mew decided Gulf was far enough to be out of earshot, he turned to the to others with an angry sweeping gesture of his arms.


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