Chapter Three

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Mew glanced in the rear-view mirror and smiled at the view. Gulf was fast asleep, his head resting on J's shoulder. It was just such an adorable sight that Mew wasn't even a little jealous. Besides, he had no right to be jealous since he and Gulf were not dating. Yet.

The car was quiet as Mew drove them home. J didn't like it. She knew Gulf was a deep sleeper, so she started a conversation with the detective.

"Do you think Gulf is okay?"

"He was a bit upset talking about what happened so we decided that he could just type up his statement on my computer. He was fine with that."

J chuckled at that, "Gulf loves computers. He's very smart and knows a lot about software programming."

"Oh, that makes sense. He was very mad at my computer. It's pretty slow."


"Good?" Mew was clearly confused as to why Gulf being mad at his computer's slowness was good.

"Yeah. It means he's okay. If he's really upset then he just stares at the screen, doing and saying nothing."

The conversation then fizzled out. It was quiet again in the car until they arrived in the apartment building where J and Gulf lived. Mew stopped the car and turned off the engine.

Turning in his seat he asked, "Is he still asleep?"

"Yeah... Before we wake him, can I ask you something?"

Mew began to pale. Did she suspect he was attracted to Gulf? It was totally inappropriate. After the case was done, then he could do something about his attraction. Then he could get to know the young man and see if Gulf was as adorable as he appeared. In response to J's question Mew simply nodded.

"Can you contact me if something happens with the case?"

Mew couldn't help but feel relief that she hadn't noticed his feelings or, at least, that she hadn't asked about them. He gave her a reassuring smile, "Of course, I will keep you informed."

At that point Gulf began to stir. Blinking slowly, he sat up and looked at their surroundings. He was completely unaware of how cute he was being and how badly the other occupants of the car wanted to comment on his adorableness.

"Are we home?" Gulf asked, yawning.

"Yeah, come on. Let's get you to bed," J told him before looking to Mew, "Do you mind helping me get him inside?"

"Of course not."

After Gulf managed to get out of the car, Mew wrapped his arm around him and put Gulf's arm on his shoulder. J walked ahead of them to open doors and show Mew the way.

"Mew?" Gulf whispered in Mew's ear, not realising how that made Mew's ear tingle.


"I'm tired."

Mew turned to look at Gulf and realised Gulf was looking straight at him, pouting. It was so goddamn cute. Gulf could probably ask Mew for anything right now and Mew would give it to him. Gulf sagged further into Mew's hold and stopped walking.

"Okay, okay. Here we go," Mew murmured to Gulf as he lifted Gulf into his arms bridal style.

Gulf was so sleepy but when Mew picked him up, it was like his body had a zip of energy. He could probably walk again but he was content to let Mew carry him. Looks like I was right about his strength. He can totally lift me! Gulf hadn't been carried since he was little. His parents used to carry him to bed, just like Mew was doing now. That moment when he was too tired to move and his parents would be so gentle with him, demonstrating their love. They were some of his favourite childhood memories. This feeling of being carried would always make him feel safe. In fact, everything about Mew seemed to make Gulf feel safe.

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