Chapter 4 (slightly edited)

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Hello, Lovelies! Neanai here once more (I have a few more chapters to upload today)!

Again, please don't flame me.

This chapter is still a bit shorter than the others, though I'm not overly surprised since all I did was fill out a few chapters. I may edit this again in the future.

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Defeating the Chunin was child's play for Sakura, though she defeated him in a way that wouldn't hurt the boy's pride, which the Chunin recognized and accepted.

The Jounin, on the other hand, was long and drawn out. Her strategy skills were rusty as well as her fighting skills, though everyone watching was able to see that she warmed up pretty quickly.

She did manage to defeat the Jounin, though she admitted that it was a very close call. The female Jounin, who happened to also be Temari, smiled, and complimented her on her fighting and strategy.

Sakura smiled, Now to decide if I want to stay as a Jounin or if I want to join Suna's Anbu forces.

What is your goal?

My goal? I... don't know actually. Right now I'm fine with being an amazing medic, though I know that I don't want to stay there. Going back to Konoha would be nice, though highly unlikely. You know that my dream used to be to become Hokage, though it looks like Naruto-baka is going to get that position.

I think Kakashi knew that you wanted that, as he could always see through anything. He saw how strong you were and how much you've grown. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew that we didn't look at Sasuke that day you first met him.

Yeah... so the Frog path is probably a great idea, so I can continue the medic path. Falcon or Owl?

How about both? You've shown capable of taking down both of those types of Anbu before.

Yeah, by sheer luck!

Listen, you're very great at stealth, which could go either way.

You're right, I'm going to tell him about my decision.

Go ahead!

Sakura smiled as she walked over to Gaara, "Thank you again, Gaara-sama, this means a lot to me."

Gaara smiled, "I know that I can't expect you to stay here if Kakashi-san ends up pardoning you, but have you chosen?" Sakura smiled shyly and he knew that she had picked all three, "Great. Come with me and I'll give you your promotional vest and Shinobi attire as well as your new hitai-ate, though you may keep your old one in a scroll or your home. I'll also give you a training scroll that you'll give to your new instructor when you get to the Anbu headquarters."


Sakura's training was rough and stressful, yet freeing as well. She also ended up receiving training to be an ambassador, which made her smile. She knew that Gaara was going to see about her being Suna's ambassador to Konoha.

She graduated five months after arriving at Suna, which was rare for someone going down three Anbu paths. Her mask was a toad with a falcon and owl etched on each side.

She had long ago forgone her red battle kimono, replacing it with a black battle kimono the same length as her former one and a hooded light-weight dark blue poncho over it. Her visible skin was wrapped in bandages and she wore black close-toed sandals since the sand storms wreaked havoc on her feet if they were exposed. She wore her hitai-ate around her neck, to protect her most vulnerable spot. Her hair had grown to just past her shoulder blades and she wore it in a long french braid that she sometimes pulled up into a bun if she was fighting. Her mask made her pink hair and green eyes pitch black, which resulted in an amused glare directed towards her Kazekage, whom she still called by his first name by his insistence.

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