Chapter 5 (slightly edited)

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Hello, Lovelies! Neanai here with the next chapter!


Please don't flame me for anything that you don't understand/like in this chapter. Please be civil.

I edited this chapter slightly, though I may do it again in the future.

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A month passed between her last meeting with Zabuza and Haku and Sakura wondered where the duo went off to and if they were safe. She never would admit it, but she was very fond of her two unofficial Sensei's.

She sighed as she melted into the hot spring, letting her muscles relax after a particularly trying mission. She loved going solo as it allowed her to see the world easier and to take longer breaks going back to Suna. Gaara understood her desire to stay alone and rarely partnered her up with anyone other than his siblings, who were around the same league as her, though they did fall short more often than not.

She shook her braided hair loose, letting it fall mid-chest. It had been a couple of years since she had her hair this long and as much as she loved it, it did tend to get in her way often. She often wondered if Gaara would be opposed to her cutting her hair like a boy's, but always put off asking him when he ran his hands gently through her long hair.

It was obvious that he enjoyed her hair long as much as Sakura did. He loved to play with her hair, whether it be combing it or pulling it up in a fancy hairstyle.

Sakura found herself asking about their relationship. She was her Kazekage's temporary Anbu, the best he had. She was also his future ambassador. They both knew that she'd leave in the distant future, yet they still met up during the nights when she returned from a mission and Gaara couldn't sleep until she was taken care of and safe.

She didn't mind his visits, though she was startled when they first began. She doesn't know if he viewed her as the younger sister that he never had or if he liked her romantically, but she found herself not caring. Not wanting to know.

Gaara knew of her dream to become the next Hokage and that it would be difficult for a relationship between them if she realized her dream, yet he still came into her room at night and helped massage her shoulders and brush her hair. 

Helped her to relax by holding her until she fell asleep.

Sakura sighed deeply, she knew that they'd have to stop those nightly visits before more rumors spread, but she didn't have the heart to tell Gaara to stop. She didn't have the heart to tell him about her crush on him. And on Madara.

Sakura sunk into the hot water, cursing her lack of romantic knowledge when it comes to multiple crushes. Does she pursue one, both, or neither? Does she leave them in the dark or tell them about her nature and hope they accept her? What happens if she gains more crushes or falls out of love? What happens if she has sex and gets pregnant? Would they accuse her of being a slut or would they continue accepting her?

Sakura suddenly growled and stood up, climbing out the spring. It clearly wasn't helping her relax as she had hoped it would.

She slowly wrapped herself in her robe, casting apologetic glances to the other occupants for her sour mood, and quickly retreated to the changing room.

She put on a short orange battle furisode that she hadn't worn yet, having just bought it that day. The sleeves just barely passed her fingers while the hem of the dress reached just past her knees. There were beautiful flower designs in different shades of yellow and black across the dress and a wide yellow datejime sash that tied off the look.

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