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I got up and took a shower and put on black tank top with my jean shorts and white hightops.I bushed
L my Hair and but it up in a bun. I added a little makeup. I didnt want to call Jimmy so i called Chris. He came and we were ready to go.

Jimmy point of view.
My sister wasn't here yet. Chris left in a hurry. Hello JAKE PAULERS today we are doing the last to stop rinning wins 10,000$. We hvae Chris,Chandler, Ty and My sweet little Baby Sister Kris.

In 2 hours later.

So it been two hours later how do you feel i aske Chris.

Kris point of view
Hello JAKE PAULERS today we are doing the last to stop rinning wins 10,000$.Jimmy said.We hvae Chris,Chandler, Ty and My sweet little Baby Sister Kris.  He said
Two hour later
I was feeling Great well everyone else was sweating well i wasn't. How do you fell i heard jimmy ask Chandler. I felt better. How do you feel he asked me. I feel GREAT.
Another 2 hours.

In 2 hours later.
Heres a rubux cube. He gave us all one. Solve for 3,000$. I sloved it quickly..HOW Chandler SCREAMED. I winced and said when we  was younger, me and   Chris and Jimmy got in Detention alot. Chris whispered it was manly HER. CHRIS I SHOUTED you STOLE the test that i STUDY FOR LIKE 10,000 HOURS.  So i"stole" jimmy Pranked the teachers and... you did what he aaked. Oh i did nothing i was just with you when you did it.   Anywas jimmy said ruling his eyes. Anways but they always MADE me get Detention so my mom... She grounded me for Like 4 weeks and Thi little brat got grounded for 3 days. I know i smiled at him. You woulsnt talk to me for weeks and POOR chris had to deal with it. Then me and chris started dating  and jimmy didn't like it.  I know chris said he hated it. So he stop hanging out with us. We both said with a laugh. He was hangoing out with a Chandler Hallow... They thing was i Was a nerd and he was in the fooball team. Anywas Garrett abd ty got off but stayed there. I asked chris do you know If i killed someone for you? Yes i know it. Lets sing iti sais really happy. SUre he said

sorry that I did this, the blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection, I don't know who I am
Practice my confession in case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson, I'll be a better man

I'm packing up my things and I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes and I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her, so I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say, so I'll ask her when she calls

Would you love me more (would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hands? (Would you hold my hands)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Would you turn me in (would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when (would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you, yeah

I hear the sirens comin', I see the flashing lights
I'm driving through the suburbs wearing my disguise
I show up at her doorstep to look her in the eyes
I tell her that it's me, but she doesn't recognize
"Can't you see I'm running?" Said, "I need a place to hide"
"I've gotta ask you something, could you please let me inside"
"Just let me explain, no, I wouldn't tell you lies"
"I know you'll understand if you let me stay the night"

Would you love me more (would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hands? (Would you hold my hands)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Would you turn me in (would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when (would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you, yeah

Chris sung.
Then i sang

You have to understand that the one I killed is me
Changing what I was for what you wanted me to be
I followed your direction, did everything you asked
I hope it makes you happy, 'cause there's just no turning back

Would you love me more (would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hands? (Would you hold my hands)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Would you turn me in (would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when (would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you, yeah.
Garrett and ty eyes were wide. JIMMY GARRETT YELLED. What he asked? They just sung a a song. Really he asked at us NOT nice. It is soo nice i said to the weird person who gets  18 thousands  dollars.

Ha ha ha, this is about you

Beware, beware, be skeptical
Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold
Deceit so natural
But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning

Bla-bla-black sheep, have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals
Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick
Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks

So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Aware, aware, you stalk your prey
With criminal mentality
You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem

Feefifofum, you better run and hide
I smell the blood of a petty little coward
Jack, be lethal, Jack, be slick
Jill will leave you lonely dying in a filthy ditch

So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt i sang.

Chris sung

Maybe you'll change
Abandon all your wicked ways
Make amends and start anew again
Maybe you'll see
All the wrongs you did to me
And start all over, start all over again
Who am I kidding

Now, let's not get overzealous here
You've always been a huge piece of shit
If I could kill you I would
But it's frowned upon in all fifty states
Having said that, burn in hell..

Then i sung

How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Karma's gonna come collect your debt.

Chris got off. Hahah i laughed i won. Garrett hand me my phone. I put on my  my list that had wolves in sheep clothing, if i killed someone for you. I ran for like 17 more hours. I got off and we all went home. Well i went to Karl's Well i think Garrett and karl likes me. Yay theres going to be a war over me.

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