Chapter 15

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Niall grabbed my wrist and carried me to their basement. I'll admit, it wasn't like I thought It was. There's soft, warm, carpet, a small kitchen, arcade, extra bedroom, washroom and a TV room. It's quite big, actually.

"Wait! Niall! We can't just leave them!" I yelled. Niall covered my mouth with his hand.

"Keep your voice down. We can't risk you getting hurt." He whispered. I moved his hand away from my mouth and stood up.

"I'm going to help them." I said calmly and ran as fast as I could upstairs. I heard Niall call for me but I ignored him. I finally got outside. It was a battle field. People were throwing arrows, rocks, spears and everything you could possible think of. I was horrified of the view, and to think, I was standing in the middle of all of them.

"Hope! Get back here!" Niall yelled. I ignored him and looked over to Harry. He didn't noire me but Liam did. They were too busy fighting. The guy harry was fighting got on top of harry and punched him. I ran over there and pushed the guy off Harry, well tried to. It didn't work.

"Don't touch her!" Harry yelled as the guy grabbed my wrists.

"You got yourself into a huge mess, little missy." The guy grinned and put me over his shoulder. I didn't scream or anything. I looked behind him and saw Harry getting attacked by another guy, same with Niall.

"HARRY!" I finally yelled. He looked up but that caused him a punch. Zayn kicked a girl with black hair, looking about 20. She fell to the ground but soon got back up. There were so many guys.

"ZAYN LOOK OUT!" I yelled when a guy ran up behind Zayn and knocked him out. I gasped and screamed.

"PUT ME DOWN! LET ME HELP THEM!" I kicked and slapped the guy carrying me. He put me down and held me tightly. He held a rag over my mouth. I tried holding in my breath but that didn't work. I breathed it in. Soon, everything went black.

I slowly woke up realizing I was chained to a wall. The same guy that carried me came in the room.

"Well well. Look who finally woke up." He grinned and slapped me.

"They will find you." I said calmly. He slapped me again.

"No they won't! You may think they will but clearly they won't! They're all dead!" He yelled. I sat there shocked.

"W-what?" I stuttered. He nodded. "Your lying."

"Am I?" He grinned and walked out. He came back dragging Harry.

"NO! HES JUST PASSED OUT! HES NOT DEAD!" I yelled trying to believe what I was saying.

"Sorry, Hun. I don't think he's passed out. We killed him. He's dead." He grinned and threw harry on the ground. He chained him.

"If he was dead, you wouldn't chain him." I grinned. He walked over to me and slapped me.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Here, have some water. I know your thirsty." He handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks. I guess?" I took a sip from the water bottle and Immediately got dizzy. My head was spinning and I collapsed on my side, on the ground. My eyes closed.

Christmas is less than a day away. 11 hours left! MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! I know I'm saying this now but I'm obviously not going be on WattPad tomorrow. Anyways, I hope you guys have an amazing Christmas and get all the things you wanted, or some. I hope you all have a wonderful time. Merry Christmas, I love you guys! 🎉🎊🎈🎅🎄🎁

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