Chapter 31

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I just noticed something in One Directions song called "I would". It says they cant compeat with the girls boyfriend because he has 27 tattoos. Well guess what 1D? Now you can! Well, except for you little Nialler... 

I stopped and looked over by the food court where another scream was held. I pulled my arm away from Harrys hand and stared at the food court. 

"Hope! Come on! We need to go!" Harry yelled as another scream went off. 

I ignored their calls for me and ran over to the food court. I froze in my spot at what I saw. There was blood and dead bodies everywhere. The only thing I didnt see was something that could have done the harm. I heard gasps behind me. I turned around. Mom, Becky and Harry were standing there. 

"Hope, please. We need to leave. It isnt safe here." Harry begged. I slowly nodded but didnt move because I was in the state of shock. Harry picked me up bridal style and ran human speed out of the mall with Becky and Mom following us. Harry put me in the passenger seat as he and Becky sat in the back and mom in the drivers. We heard sirens behind us heading for the mall. Mom turned on the radio. 

"There has been an attack at the FairPark Mall. Were not sure what it was that attacked the humans but the Police think it was a wolf attack. The police will contuine insepcting the place. Please go home, lock all your doors and windows. You need to stay in your homes until the police make an announcment to say its okay for now. If another attack is held, the police will need to hunt down these animals innocent or not." The person on the radio announced.

"They think it was the wolves?" Becky asked. Mom nodded.

"Becky honey, do you want me to drop you off or are you fine staying here? Same with you, Harry." Mom asked and payed attention on the road.

"I'll walk home." Harry said. Mom sent Harry a glare.

"Harry. No. I will drop you off." Mom said harshly. "Where do you live?" Harry told her his adress as she drove to it. 

When we got to Harry's house, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn were standing by the door wide eyed. Harry hopped out of the car. 

"Thank you for the ride Ms. Phillips." Harry smiled and closed the door. He ran to the guys who waved as we drove away. 

"Becky do you want me to drop you off too?" Mom asked. Becky shook her head.

"No its okay. Ill just call my parents when we get to your house." Becky smiled. 

-At home-

"Yes Mom. Im fine." Becky groaned into the phone. She put her mom on speaker phone. 

"Becky. I want you home right away when the cops say its safe." Her mom snapped.

"Yes Mom. I know. Ill be here up until they say I can leave." 

"Good. I need to go help your Father with something. Bye honey." Her mom hung up the phone at the same time Becky did. 

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