Chapter 10

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"Don't touch her!" Harry yelled and pushed Caiden off me. Then the door opened once again. All the guys walked in.

Why would Harry come after me? I mean, I was the one who made all this happen.

Harry continued to attack Caiden with Louis and Niall. Zayn and Liam rushed over to me.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Zayn asked worried. I was too shocked to answer. I looked over at Caiden to see him punching Harry back.

"I-I'm sorry. This is all my f-fault. If I never screamed at the r-restaurant, this wouldn't h-happen. I just... I wanted to escape y-you guys." I cried. I expected Liam and Zayn to slap me. Instead, the pulled me into a hug.

"Love, it's okay. We know how you feel." Liam smiled. I gave him a confused look.

"How?" I asked.

"The same way you got here. Except Zayn and I got turned by different vampires. We were just hanging out at the park and then we got attacked. But our makers died somehow. Usually vampires never die." Liam explained.

"I need her blood!" I heard Caiden yell as he walked over to me. I backed up behind Liam and Zayn. I looked passed them to see a Harry, Louis and Niall passed out. I gasped. No one came hurt Harry that bad..? Caiden must be very strong.

"Guys!" I yelled. Zayn grabbed onto my wrists behind him making sure I won't leave or get taken away.

"I need her blood." Caiden replied.

"We'll you aren't getting it." Liam snapped. I felt a pair of different cold hands on my arms. I looked behind me and saw another vampire. I screamed.

"ZAYN! LIAM!" I yelled. The guy pulled me away from them and threw me against a wall.

"TYLER! STOP!" Zayn and Liam yelled in unison.

"We. Need. Her. Blood." He said through gritted teeth. He put his mouth up to my cut. He started to drain the blood out of me.

"Zayn. Liam." I whispered. Everything got blurry.

"STOP! YOUR KILLING HER!" A different voice yelled. It was Harry's. He jumped onto the Tyler guy and started to attack him. I fell to the ground and closed my eyes.

"No. No. Hope, keep your eyes open." Harry whispered and put my head in his lap. I tried and tried. I can't keep my eyes open.

My eyes got super heavy that I just gave up trying. I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry." Was the last thing I manage to say before I blacked out again.

Man, what's with all the blackouts?!

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