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Fintan was shocked

Councilor Oralie cried

Fitz volunteered for an unknown 12-year-old

Marella was sad

Alden was nervous

Della was sad

Brant Volentured for his younger brother

Stina showed no emotion

Mr. Forkle attempted to escape

Lihn was sad

Dex was exited  (Dex exited?? What is this simulator doing?)

Edaline was exited (Okaaaaa)

Keefe cried

Vespera showed no emotion

Alvar attempted to escape

Biana cried

Whylie was exited

Sophie was exited

Tam showed no emotion (No surprise there)

Councilor Alina attempted to escape

Grady cried

Marucu cried

Ruy was sad

Gisela was shocked

A/N Ok so some of those were weird... like Sophie excited to be thrown into a pit and wait for her death? Or even kill someone? That does not sound like her. This is all random, so if something does not match the character's personality don't blame me. 

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