
141 1 12

Fintan Kills Lihn by beating her to death with a club

Councilor Oralie Steps of the platform, blowing herself up

Fitz Kills Marella by stabbing her with a sword

Alden Grabs a pack and runs. In the pack, there is a water bottle, a knife, bandages, dried fruit.

Della loses her arm after battling with Fintan

Brant grabs a pack and runs. The pack contains nothing but a toothpick. 

Stina loses her thumb on her right hand after accidentally cutting herself with a cleaver. 

Mr. Forkle grabs a spear and runs 

Dex grabs a trident and runs 

Edaline kills Ruy by choking him 

Keefe steps of the platform, blowing himself up

Vespera kills Alden while he ran into the woods with a bow and arrow

Alvar steps of the platform, blowing himself up

Biana grabs a pack and runs. the pack contains a rope, fire starter kit, and a water bottle

Wylie grabs a pack and runs. The pack contains a sleeping bag and dried beef

Sophie steps of the platform, blowing herself up. 

Tam loses he's left eye from the explosion that killed Councilor Oralie

Councilor Alina kills Fitz by hiring his head on a rock

Grady grabs a bow and arrow and run's toward the hills

Marucu Runs away from the cornucopia, towards the snow-capped mountain. 

Gisela steps of the platform, blowing herself up

A/N I tried to do Sophie again, because I don't want her to die on the first day. So I tried 3 more times, each time it still said she blew herself up. She was destined to blow herself up. :(

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