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it was monday morning and wonwoo is now inside the classroom, sitting with his classmate, junhui.

"have you seen mingyu, yet? i mean, we spent our weekend without him. he's busy" junhui suddenly said and wonwoo looked at him.

"oh i last saw him at the festival. we haven't talked since" wonwoo shyly answered.

"hi jeon wonwoo! looking good today!" soonyoung came inside the classroom with a messy looking face.

"you look like you just shitted your pants and don't know what to do. did you even take a shower? and stop screaming! you're distracting others" jihoon said and soonyoung pouted at him.

"you're rude! why are you even our class president" soonyoung whined and rolled his eyes to him.

"of course i'm better than you" jihoon then answered that it made junhui laugh so loud.


"hey c-can i go with you at your studio? i-i mean, i have to say something to mingyu" wonwoo shyly asked jun who is now ready to leave for lunch.

"of course! no need to be shy. mingyu's friend is my friend too" jun happily answered and they both stood up.

"you're not eating lunch with us?" jihoon asked, stopping jun and wonwoo from walking.

"uhm i'll just talk to mingyu for a second and i'll meet you guys there, but if something happened, i'll call you" wonwoo then replied and jihoon just nodded at him and they left.

wonwoo was really silent when it comes to other people he's not really close to. he would either avoid contact or avoid looking at them.

"wow you really are a silent person, wonwoo. i wonder how you do that and keep your mouth shut. as for me, i'm not even korean at all but i still keep on talking and find ways to talk" jun said and laughed at the younger.

"y-yeah. i mean, if i-i don't want the person to be disappointed at me, i don't talk at all. i don't want to look weirder, as they already calls me weird" jun was somehow sad about wonwoo's situation. he knows too, that he's receiving a lot of hate but he's proud that the other don't seem to really care at all.

"it's okay to be weird... or weirder. i mean, they call me weird too. because of my gestures and on how i speak. but i just accept it, they're right after all. you should learn how to embrace and love yourself more. it'll help you" jun then patted wonwoo's shoulders and gave him a warm smile.

when they arrived at the studio, jun was about to open the door but wonwoo suddenly pulled and stopped him from doing that.

"oh hyung shut up! mina and i... we're just friends. i mean, we worked together but that's it. our friendship is just... business" it was mingyu talking and wonwoo knows it. he knows mingyu's little chuckles.

"what about that boy in the other club? jeon wonwoo? you guys have been pretty close lately. since i saw him at the company last few days. the poor boy was waiting for you but you didn't see him though. he looks like he was about to cry but he just left after you left with mina. i was pretty sure he's waiting for like 5 hours or 4?" shit! seungcheol didn't keep his promise.

"what? are you serious? my phone's been snatched by my manager that's why i didn't know that he'll be there" mingyu replied and wonwoo is starting to weaken, but thank god jun is there, supporting him from falling down on his knees.

"so let's go back to my question. what's going on with you two? why would he go there and be upset that you have some girl clinging onto you?" seungcheol continued to asked the younger but mingyu just chuckled.

"hyung, we're just friends. i mean, i don't see him that way. i don't even know if i'm gay. for sure he doesn't like me at all. fine, we're attached to each other, maybe? but no, hyung. why would you think of something ridiculous like that"

wonwoo had enough. it's time to leave. he tortured himself too much and it's time. it's time to move on and stop. just like what seokmin said. accept and get help from his members. love is not love without pain, right?


"thanks for accompanying me here, jun. c-can you please keep this?? d-don't tell him that i heard that. please i'm begging you" wonwoo's tears could not stop anymore.

wonwoo then left. he's weak and he couldn't absorb any of what's happening right now. he feels so numb and hurt. he's in so much pain that he just left the school without telling anyone. without looking at his phone.

bold of you to assume that he likes boys.....

you think you are good enough so that someone can like you? you're a horrible person, remember???

everyone hates you and now you think you're on the top just because he wants to be friends with you....

you should just go back to being weird now. no one even appreciates your existence....

your friends just pity you that's why they consider you as one of them....

you think you'll be happy?

no one will love you, jeon wonwoo......

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