Hot and Cold

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"You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down."

- Katy Perry,

Hot n' Cold


My senior year at Crossford High School is starting today and in my notebook, I had planned out every single detail on how I'm going to handle this

1. Keep your head high (so no one will bully you)

2. No signs of emotions AT ALL (the last thing I need is someone hurting me right now)

3. No friends. Stay alone all year and I'll end up fine.

My house was a fifteen minute walk from school, so I didn't require a car to drive around and father decided to keep a low profile, so our house was just a small three room house with a small backyard that practically blended in with the rest of the houses in the area. Father wanted to separate me from the Ravens as far as possible.

The hallways were dim lit and I stared around the new ice themed painted room. Everything was placed in order, perfection.

I grabbed an apple from the fridge and glanced up at the clock. 7.30am, half an hour before school starts. I then proceeded to the mirror located right next to the door,

My hair was tied in its signiture bun, and I wore my favourite blue sweater and normal plain looking \black leggings, and I wore my light blue pumps.

An apple in my one of my hands, I used the other to grab my school bag, before exiting through the front door.


Head held high, step one ,check.

No emotion written on my face, step two, check.

Pushing open the doors to Crossford High, I almost gaped at how big the school was. Students turned to stare at who the new student wqs. It was no doubt, because I knew I was definitely the looker. Piercing blue eyes that could laser right through your soul and beautiful locks of dirty blonde hair, fortunately, the personality was luckily a turn off , so now one bothered to chase after me in my old school. From first glance, I knew that this school was big on high school sterotypes. The dreaded players at one side trying to woo some of the ladies, nerds quietly trying to solve math problems, geeks discussing on star wars or something like that and the evil Queen Bees in way too short skirts.

"Hello! You must be new! Would you like me to guide you to the general office?" A big ball of sunshine came up in front of me. Yellow shirt, long orange skirt, bright hair and huge smile. My eyes hurt.

I thought for a while because of step three, but finally relented because, seriously, this school was huge.


The sunshine girl looked a bit taken aback by my cold attitude, but still walked me to the general office. Plus, the sunshine girl had a nerve to try to pick up a conversation with me.

" Sooooo, I'm Senna Walkers, and your name is?"

" Winter." I shot back amost immediately, trying to avoid any more questions from her, step three was currently at danger zone now.

" Winter, as in the season? Sadly, we don't see you around in California, HAHAHAHHAHAHA. No? Not funny? Okay." Sunshine girl attempted to crack a joke with me, before ending awkwardly and retreating back to her shell. Finally, peace and quiet.

" Alright, we have reached the General Office, nice to meet you and bye." Sunshine girl said, a bit too rushed, before disappearing like the wind.

Step 3, safe from danger zone.

Entering the air conditioned room, I glanced at the pictures of nature hanged onto the wall. There were a few other students in the general office as well, waiting patiently for the receptionist. Lost in my surroundings, my head struck against something that felt warm. Immediately, I fell onto the ground, my bag landing with a thump onto the ground. Dang you, step 1.

" YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING.' a voice roared. Sweeping the dust of my leggings and picking up my school bag that had fallen onto the floor, I looked up to see the most handsome boy I had ever seen in my life. Brunette hair messily put and green eyes sparkling,hIs presence literally spread warmth throughout the room Although he was a very handsome boy, all you could see in his eyes were pure rage. I will not show weakness to such a demanding figure.

" You shall not speak with such disrespect." I spoke with such a low icy voice and I stared straught into his eyes. The other students in the general office quivered as they saw me speak and some even quickly fled the office.

He looked such in rage that he was ready to go and punch someone there and then and I hoped that better not be me.

" Aidan, go elsewhere now and do not pick up a fight with Winter."

the Principal, Mr Evans, who was supposed good friends with my father,boomed.

So Aidan was the boy's name. Aidan meant fire, one with such a personality fit the name well.

"Same does to you, Winter."

Fuck, did I say that out loud.
Looks like I did.
With that, Aidan exited the office, somehow making the office feel much cooler, just the way I like it.

"I'm sorry about Aidan, he is a bit complicated." Mr Evans tried to explain, shifting a little uncomfortably.

"And by complicated you mean huge anger problems and he had gone through a rough childhood, making him 'difficult.' "
I explained bluntly, entering the principal's office together with Mr Evans.

"There is more to the story then you know it, Winter." I swear I saw Mr Evans with pity flashed in his eyes before he ushered me to the seat in front of him. " Now, onto you. You're last principal..."

"You mean Ms Dolores Umbridge?" Seriously, that woman had huge similarities to that evil Harry Potter villian. She was obsessed with pink and evil, PURE EVIL.

Mr Evans snorted a little and replied, "Yes, her, though she may be prefered to be called Ms Harrison. She said you were 'difficult' too?"

"I just don't talk or make friends, it does't mean I have problems.Plus, I'm striving and perfectly fine alone. Look, I have survived perfectly without being eaten by tigers for three years."

" Yeah, so you need to talk and make friends for a change. Ms Harrison may have not done much about that problem for you. But as a good friend to your father, I must make you social." My ears were dreading as he enphasised on the word, SOCIAL. He just didn't understand that I couldn't hurt myself any longer.

"I don't WANT to make friends Mr Evans, sorry to burst your bubble, besides, I've seen a few and none of them seem to be the type of friends I would like to have, not that I want any. I've past by this who? Senna? Yeah, Senna Walkers and see is just too cheery and annoying for my liking sand you see those students outsdie your office? Yeah, they're scared of me and they'll spread some crazy rumour that I'm from the mafia or something." All I was trying to do is to get Mr Evans to drop that I needed friends, because I didn't need them. If they are going to hurt me the way it hurt when my mum died, I don't think I can handle anymore pain.

"So, what kind of friends do you want?"

Those kind of friends that I want don't exist in this awlful real world.

" Doesn't talk much, able to experience the pain, understands the real world as it is, blunt, truthful and never, ever walks away. Those kinds don't exist Mr Evans." I was on the verge of crying. No one would ever be like that. Because they all think the world is ponies and unicorns.Not true.

Mr Evans thought for a while, before replying, "Yeah. There is someone like that."

My eyes lit up. " Who?"

Two words that could bring me to destruction.

"Aidan Rivers."

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