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My sister squeals as we come to the stop.

I tip the driver and we head out the car to go in the theatre.

To be completely honest, the venue building was not  bad actually.
I wonder if the band is well-known. 

My thoughts were answered as we get to the front.

12-15 year olds...all with the bands merch.

"Dang it! I knew they would wear the merch!" My sister tells me.

Soon we enter. We go to our seats, turn off our phone, and I get ready to hear what this band is about. And also why my sister obsesses over them.

Soon they all walk out. There's a girl with braces and short hair, a boy with a hat , another girl with some cute shoes and shirt holding a gutair, another little girl probably the same age as my sister and a little boy next to her. I count 5. Hmm?

"Hey there's only five?" I whisper to my sister.

Soon the sixth and hottest member comes out. With his red keyboard.

My eyes widen and I shush my sister. Whatever she has to say can wait.

"Mira!" My sister shakes me.

Soon I hop out of fantasy land and go to reality land.

"What?" I say.

"Did you hear me?" My sister asks then the hottest starts to talk.

"Hey everyone!" He says then his band crew chimes in.

The fans say hey and so do I.

"Thank you all for coming!" The older sister says.

"Yeah we appreciate all of you's!" The boy in the hat says.

"Hope you enjoy!" The keyboard boy hops back in and hands the girl with the gutair the mic.

It's halfway through the music and the music is not that bad. Soon I catch eyes with the keyboard boy.

His brown eyes gaze my body and widen. Soon he takes his eyes off of me and I blush.

And I thought getting the front seat to this concert was bad...I'm second guessing.

Soon the band ends with the last song. Bad guy by Billie Eilish. The boy with the keyboard closes the band and gives me one last gaze. He bites his lip, picks up the keyboard and exits.

I know this may be crazy but I'm ready to call this mans mines. I wonder if he likes Ethnic beauty..?

Me and my sister wait for the room to wash down and exit, then we head to the door. I think of leaving my sister to chance down the hottie but I think to myself and decide against it. Saddening but I've got my sister and she will think I'm weird, plus he only looked at me. Mixed feelings could've happened. Soon we exit and I order a cab.

"I'm hungry" My sister says as she texts her friends about the concert.

"Same, hey can you stop at McDonald's?" I ask my Uber and she brings us to the restaurant. I tip her extra and we dine.

"Wasn't Adam a hottie?" My sister asks me and she bites in her burger.

"Which one was that one?" I ask as I dip my chicken nugget in sauce.

"The one with the hat!" She says
"The only cute one there?" She sasses me.

"Um...not my type." I say and wipe my hands.

Soon I see a big van park in front of the restaurant with the logo SM6.

And the hottie comes out.

"George" my eyes widen and I take my phone out quickly and check my face. All good.

"You want cookies?" I ask my sister and run the the register.

Soon the hottie goes behind me. I turn around to ask my sister what kind of cookies just to see how close he is. Not that far, not that bad.

"What kind of cookies?" I ask my sister

"Mmmm....oatmeal raisins." She smiles and goes back on her phone.

"Yuck!" I think.

There's a few people in front so I patiently wait. When I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around.

"Hey? Your from the concert right?" He asks me.

"Yes...yes I am!" I nod my head.

"It's better to see you clearly cause your an even better goddess from close." He replies.

He's smooth with words what else he smooth with. I shake my head letting my unneeded comments leave.

"Thanks" I flip the hair on my ear around it.

"So what your name if you don't mind me asking?" He asks.

"Mira! And yours?" I ask

"George. George Jones!" He responds

"I don't know about you but I felt wind flying from every corner.

"And when I was in the book of numbers I couldn't find yours?" He whips out his phone and scroll to the phone log.

I laugh and put in my number.

"Thanks! I'll text you!"  He says.

"I'll reply!" I joke and turn around to order.

Soon they hand me the bag and I head to my sister.

I go to her, who is smiling..

"Was that who I think that was?" She shakes my hand.

"Maybe.." I giggle

"And was he asking for your number?" She asks

"Your just pursuing your career aren't you?" I joke

"Whatever!" She motions her hand to the cookie and we enjoy it!

Falling for Jones (a Gira fanfic| George SM6 x Mira)Where stories live. Discover now