୨ excuse me, what? (ludwig x reader) ୧

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You snorted to yourself as you climbed up the cheap railing on the side of the apartment complex. Why didn't you just take the stairs? You were a difficult person.

You weren't quite sure where the idea of breaking into your boyfriend's apartment came from, but hey! It sure was a cure for boredom.

Lost in humoring yourself, you grabbed air. Panic quickly filled your stomach and you scrambled for the nearest rail to hold on to. Breathing a sigh of relief, you continued on.

"He's gonna kill me." You whispered in delight, a huge grin on your face. You could see the balcony from here.

One thing you couldn't see, however, was the fact that the railing didn't reach that far. Oh well, you thought. You always talked about wanting to jump off the side of the balcony.

Once at the top of the railing, you squished against the wall and dug your fingers into the grooves. You tried not to laugh as you flung yourself towards the balcony. Your fingers barely caught the thick bars. Pulling yourself up and over, you cheered internally.

Peeking inside, you noticed it was dark.

"Yes!" You whispered happily. For whatever reason, it was fun to wake him up. Especially, if he was really grumpy.

You tried to pull the glass door open but, alas, it was locked. Pursing your lips you thought for a few moments. You could just call him and ask him to open it. Or... you grinned.

Feeling across the side of your head, you pulled out a couple of bobby pins that had been holding your hair back. You tried to remember how to pick a lock.

Shrugging, you tried it and surprisingly it came open within a couple of minutes. Doing a small dance of victory, you slid the door open and stepped inside.

The smell of lavender greeted you, making your stomach twirl. Without turning around, you slid the door shut. Oh, you were so going to get killed.

Quickly speeding past the kitchen, you giggled. You stopped outside his door, debating on whether or not to knock. The latter option appealed to you and you quietly opened the door. The room was also dark.

Soft and even breathing mixed with the ambiance of the darkened room. Walking into the room, you smiled when you saw how peaceful he looked. His face was relaxed and free of the usual burden it carried. Stepping lightly towards him, you kneeled next to the bed. Reaching out you gently traced your finger along his jawline. Your eyes met his barely open ones.

You giggled in surprise and jumped back, tripping over the edge of the side table. You yelped as you hit the ground hard.

It took him a few seconds to react. He jumped and his hand shot out and clicked on the lamp. He gave you a strange look as he stared at you. You grinned sweetly at him as you crossed your legs and leaned on them.

"Hi." You sing-song.

"Hey." He replied sleepily, rubbing his face. He sighed. "Do I even want to know how you got in?" You laughed in response. That was all he needed to know. He sighed again.

"I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Excuse me, what?" He squinted his eyes at you. "What do you mean... Ah nevermind." He yawned loudly before clicking the light back off and laying back down. You sat still on the floor, staring at him.

"Goodnight then." You could hear him make a sound of annoyance.

He flipped over to where he was facing you and studied you. Sighing again when your eyes met.

"I love you-u-u." You drew out crawling up to the edge of the bed and peeking over it.
He patted your head playfully and ran his fingers through your hair. You huffed. "I love you-u-u-u" Finally, he grinned and laid his hand over your fingertips that were peeking over the bedside. Your stomach twirled and you felt the corners of your mouth turn upwards. "I lo-"

"I love you too, Meine Liebe." Your heart fluttered as you grinned and giggled. Leaning against the bed, his hand once again traveled to your hair, gently petting you. You used to oppose it, but now you realized it was one of the only forms of affection he gave. His hatred of physical contact confused you, but you respected it to no end. The bed shifted and dipped.

It took you a moment to realize that he had stopped, peeking up you saw that he was now leaning over you. He lightly traced his finger along your cheekbone. and down your jaw. Resting his hand on your cheek, he leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Träum was Schönes." As he pulled away, you grabbed his hand. Planting a light kiss on the top of it. He sighed into a smile. "It's too late for you to travel home." You grinned, you'd get to sleep here tonight. Standing up, you barely met his chin.

"Good night, I love you." He laid back down with no response. Him saying it back was rare enough as is. As you walked out the door you could've sworn you heard a faint, "I love you too" back. You almost skipped your way over to the couch.

meine liebe- my dear
träum was schönes- dream something beautiful

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