Chapter 5 (unedited)

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111 reads in only three days after posting the first chapter. I am so thankful of everyone that took the time to read my story. Thank you :)

"So are we ready to discuss the terms and conditions about this divorce?" Jennifer spoke while playing with a pen in her manicured nails. They were a deep shade of slut, fitting for her.

"There is nothing to discuss, I don't want anything that came from him." I said without looking in Jack's direction.

"I just want to sign the papers, so that dear Jack here can have his freedom back. After all he couldn't wait to get rid of me. Now he will get his wish."

"Don't act like you don't want the money, after all that's the reason why you married me, isn't it?" Jack said throwing daggers at me. I couldn't believe how much he changed.

"I can never make you change your mind, can I?" I said while trying to maintain my facade.

"No matter how much I loved you, and I did everything you asked for you still look at me like I despise you."

"That's because you really do. I can't believe I was such a fool and asked you to marry me."

My heart broke hearing him saying those words but all that hurt turned in hate and rage when I saw a hickey just below his jawline. That bastard!

"Well now you can correct your mistake and ask someone else hand in marriage. Someone from your social class."

"I see that you marked your territory Jennifer. Nice job couldn't have done a better job myself." I said pointing towards the hickey that Jack had. He touched the hickey absentmindedly and for a second I thought I saw guilt in his eyes before it was replaced with hate against me. Jennifer on the other hand just smiled. I wanted to wipe her smile but I didn't want them to see me lose control.

"Since you are at it why don't you pee on his leg too like a female dog claiming him as yours." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Excuse me?" She said offended.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order, so let's get done with this so you can start celebrating." I brushed her off.

"Trust me we will, if you know what I mean." She said with a sugar coated smile.

"Of course I know what you mean, just a piece of advice always use condoms. He is a walking STD, I had to be careful with him all the time so I wouldn't get anything." Her face after I said that was priceless. She was opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. I wanted to smile but I kept my face neutral.

"I am here" a now pissed off Jack said.

I ignored him and pretended to look at our divorce papers instead. He was giving me everything that he bought me when we were together, my car and a million dollars. My jaw hit the floor, I could never make that much money if I would work my ass off my whole life and now he was just giving it to me.

"I told you I don't want your money or anything else you bought me. You can take everything back, I don't need them." I said offended, I felt cheap like a street worker, and he was paying me for my services.

"You can quit pretending now, after all you succeeded. We all know what was the real reason why you married me."

"And pray tell, what was it because I apparently don't have a clue. And who is we? I asked confused.

He looked a Jennifer and then it all clicked, they wanted to be together and the only way to do that was if I was made the bad guy in the story. This way his business reputation would stay intact and he would be seen as a victim. If word came out that he cheated on me than their relationship would create them problems in the work environment.

"I can never make you change your opinion about me,can I?"

He just shrugged.

"Well then ok I take the car, the clothes, jewelry and everything else you bought me and I also want 50% of your shares of the company." I smiled shrugging like he had just done second ago.

"50% of my company, are you out of your mind woman. I worked hard to be where I am now. You can't just come in and ask for half of what I build when you didn't do a thing to deserve it." He yelled at me and hit the table with his fist

"I guess this only shows that I am smarter than you. You had to work hard for it while I can get it without having to work a day. I think that's pretty sharp thinking for a college dropout, don't you think so?" I flashed him a smile. Take that I though, I bet they never though I would be this mean, did they?

"Do you have a death with?" He said between clenched teeth.

"I don't know do I? I narrowed my eyes when looking at him.

"2 millions in your bank account by tomorrow. No part of my company at all. I don't want to see you in the board meetings."

"25% of your company! no money. Once you'll loved to see me but I guess that has changed."

"4 millions, cash if you want them. It's more money that you could ever dream of."

"70% of your company. Still don't care about the money."

"What?" He yelled and rose from his seat. "That's more than you asked in the beginning, when you negotiate you go down in price, not up."

"Who told you I am negotiating here. I am just stating what I want." I smiled and batted my eyelashes at him. He was at breaking point and I was having to much fun with him.

"Since you don't want to see me again I accept 10 millions. With that I will be out of your life for good."

"5 and that's my final offer, take it or leave it."

"5 works for me. So we're do I sign Jennifer?" I turned to see her still opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. What is wrong with her? Is she like a long lost cousin of Nemo or what. I lol silently with my joke, while picturing Jennifer like a half fish.

"Give me a minute to add the last minute changes and I will be with you in a minute." She said before leaving the room. I was left there alone with Jack in a awkward silence.
He broke it first by asking me if I ever loved him or it was all an act.

"You know it very well that I loved you for who you are and not for what you have. I still do. You could have been homeless and I would live under a bridge with you and I would not leave your side till the day I died. It was you who asked me to leave, don't forget that. I would have never left you."

"Why would you leave me. You were living like a princess. Having everything money can buy."

"Well apparently money can't buy love."

"No it can't" he added and the hate that he was looking at me surfaced again in his eyes. What did I ever do to him?

We were in the middle of a staring contest when Jennifer came with the paperwork asking us to sign. He was more than eager to gain his freedom back. Probably couldn't wait to go in the arms of his beloved Jennifer. It caused me pain but I was becoming a master in hiding my pain away. I signed my name too and I was Nicole Hunter again. It felt weird having my last name back again. I felt like a failure, like another failed marriage on the statistics. I just hoped that my parents wouldn't see me as a failure too if they were looking at me down from heaven, if such thing exists, I hope I does though.

"If you insisted a little more I would pay you the 10 millions, just so you could sign those papers. That's how much I don't want to stay a day longer with you."

"Well I would have signed those papers even if you didn't gave me a dime." I said and I left, turning my back in him and hurrying my steps so that I could go home and break down without anyone around. I just wanted to be alone and cry for the love of my life that I just lost. The question is,
Where is my home now?

Billionaire's ex-wife #Wattys2015. #newadultWhere stories live. Discover now