Chapter 19 (unedited)

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I am baaaack! I hope that none of you said Who cares. Lol
Anyone got stuck in snow? Tell me your snow story. If you want I can publish the funniest one on the next chapter. With your permission of course. Here the weather want that bad but everyone was scared so they canceled school. Yay.
Enjoy the story and please comment and vote.

Listen to Bruno Mars song When I was your man. That's what Jack feels right now :(

Jack POV

I was enjoying dinner with my best friend James Bloomfield when someone's laugh made me turn my head. I almost dropped the fork that was halfway to my mouth. There in front of me stood Nikki in all her glory. She was wearing a red dress that hugged her body like a second skin and suddenly all I wanted was to run my hands and explore every inch of her body like I used to. She was wearing a really red lipstick that made you forget everything else and just focus on her soft lips that were made for kissing. Those soft plump lips that I could remember all too well. She could send me to heaven only with her kisses, I didn't want to imagine what she could do..

"You ok there?" James asked amused

"I am fine. Why you ask?

"Because you have been staring at your ex for minutes right now and you don't even realize that your fork is suspended halfway to your mouth. You look like a statue and people are staring." He said smiling worse than joker.

I noticed that people were staring at me and giving me curious looks so I just brought he fork to my mouth and ate the piece of steak not caring about people.

'You forgot to eat." He pointed out laughing.

"Quit it. Don't make me start of all the stupid things you have done since I have known you. Remember that time when you were trying so hard to get the attention of Maria?" I smirked at the memory

"I get it, I get it. But seriously man I thought your were over her. She only used you."

"That's where you are wrong. She never cheated on me or used me. It was all Jennifer. She fabricated the story and even hired someone to photoshop the photos so that it could look like Nikki cheated on me. I think that I am in the middle of a nightmare, and nothing is real."

"Ouch.. That is bad man. I remember how you treated her. That was harsh. She seems happy now." He said pointing with his head in her direction. She was sitting down, back towards me but you could see that her shoulders were shaking from laughter.

"She has made a life without me." I said pretty resigned

"What do you plan to do? Do you still love her now that you know that she never did anything behind your back or you are over her."

"I will win her back." I said confidently.

"Are you sure she will still want that? After all 4 years it's a long time, she might have totally forgotten you."

"I am sure that she still feels something about me."

"I don't think she does buddy. Look."

I turned my head to see her kiss with that doctor. I wanted to go to their table and punch him so hard that he would never think again about kissing her. I grasped the stem of my wine glass so hard that I heard a small pop and I saw that the glass actually broke and now my hand was bleeding.

"Damn it." I cursed and I left the table to go to the men's room. I couldn't believe the rage of emotions that I felt when that bastard was kissing my wife. There I said it, to me she still was my wife. I don't care that we were divorced I would do everything I can to get her back. If I have to play dirty than so be it, after all don't that say that All is fair in love and war. It's time to put the saying into practice.

Billionaire's ex-wife #Wattys2015. #newadultWhere stories live. Discover now