Chapter 10

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Wow the story reached 3 K readers. Thank you. Who do you guys want to play Nicole? Shoot me some ideas. She is blonde (not too blonde) with brown eyes. Here is the update. Enjoy.

Jack POV.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Not only Nicole was in the same fundraiser that I was but she was one of the girls that was going to be auctioned. Was she crazy or what. She was behaving like a lose woman, being sold to the highest bidder like she was a object. I was grinding my teeth trying to control myself and the possessive side of me towards her. I couldn't believe that I still felt something else for her except hate. She stood on the stage trying to look confident but I could read her. She was nervous especially when the old man was bidding. I wanted to punch him, he could be her grandfather and he was looking at her with lust filled eyes. When the young boy bid instead she seemed relieved and was smiling at him. I wanted her to smile at me like that. What the hell is wrong with me. I should not feel this way about her not after she betrayed me.

"200" I heard the old man say. He was smiling triumphantly at her and even had the audacity to wink and blow a kiss at my wife.

"500 thousands " I said and I could feel everyone looking at me but I didn't care. I just didn't want her to spend time with that old pervert. I could hear Jennifer seething next to me and telling me that I was crazy and that I was embarrassing her by bidding for my ex wife when my fiancé was sitting next to me. I still didn't say anything, I was shocked myself from the intensity of the feelings that were coursing through me right now. I even forgot that she was my ex who cheated me, that's how much jealous I was toward the old man for having the chance to spend time with her and toward the young one because she smiled at him. Heck even a woman was trying her shot with her and she couldn't even understand it, was she that naive?

I waited for things to calm down before I left Jennifer behind telling her that the driver would give her a ride home. She looked like she wanted to kill me and I don't blame her but right now I wanted to be with Nicole. Heck maybe if I offered her some money I could flush her out of my system tonight and get over her. Now I am sounding like that old man bidding on her.

"Thank you for saving me from going out with that pervert. I owe you one ." Nikki smiled at me and I swear my heart just stopped. Snap out of it Jack. Remember what she did to you.

"And I will be collecting sooner that you think. I want us to go on that date tonight?"

"I thought you hated me, why do you want to spend time with me if you can't stand me?" She asked confused

"I just spent half a million on you and I want to make the most out it."

"You have a fiancé, go on a date with her if you want."

"But I didn't pay her to go on a date, I paid you. If you don't I won't give the money to the charity."

"Then I could just pay them myself." She smiled thinking that she won.

"You could but what would people say if you refused to go on a date for charity, because trust me I would go out in public and say that your presence here was just so you can gain more fame and that you never keep your promises. Instead you love to break them like you broke our vows." I was mad right now and and I didn't care if I lost my control

"If anyone broke our vows in our marriage that was you Jack. You slept with Jennifer right after you told me to leave. It seemed like you couldn't wait to get into her arms. Couldn't you at least have waited after I signed the divorce." She was trying hard to not cry by now and I was feeling like a jerk but then I remembered that it was all a show for her.

"If I slept with her it was so that you could feel the same way as I did after you slept with Daniel. Pretending to be good friends with him while sleeping with him behind my back. Did he used you too like you used me? Did he get all of my money and left you dry and that is why you came back?"

"You have no idea what you are talking about. Daniel is like a brother to me and I am like a sister to him. I would never sleep with him trust me."

"Trust you? How can I trust you when you couldn't wait to sign the divorce papers and run away with my money and everything that I bought you. And you pretended that you loved me. I am a fool to love you."

"You still love me?" She asked hope shining in her eyes. She probably thought that she could get more money out of me.

"Don't change the subject. How did it feel to cheat me behind my back with him? Where there any others that you slept with?" She slapped me again and turned her back to leave.

"Where do you think you are going? Can't you face the truth, that you destroyed our marriage?"

"I did? Unbelievable." She said turning towards me and raising her hands in the air.

"If anyone destroyed our marriage it was you." She said poking my chest with her finger.

"Your insecurities and lack of trust. Why didn't you tell me anything instead of jumping into conclusions yourself. I loved you with all my heart and I would never cheat on you but you were blind to see."

"Trust me I saw enough. I have pictures of you and Daniel in bed. You look pretty happy on them. Was it worth it destroying our marriage?"

"Pictures of me and Daniel in bed together?" She asked confused

"Are you sure because that cannot be right."

"What do you mean am I sure or not. I think I would know the face of my wife. Or you can't believe that I have proof of your betrayal?"

"I to,d you I never cheated on you and if you would be so smart to verify your sources you would see that they were fake. Daniel and I never slept and never will sleep together. We love each other as brother and sister, nothing more nothing else."

"You still defend the bastard even after he left you?" I asked surprised

"Where is he now because he is not here to defend you like you defend him."

"He is getting ready to get married next week." She said calmly

"He is getting married with another one. So he got tired of you and found someone else. I bet she is smarter than you are. She got to marry him while you destroyed our marriage for some hours of pleasure." I was hoping to see her break down and cry because that bastard left her for another but she was just smiling.

"It's a he." She said smugly  "Daniel is gay, always been, always will. That means my dear Jack that you destroyed our marriage all by yourself. Now how do you feel knowing that I didn't cheat on you?"

I couldn't speak or breath. That couldn't be true. She was lying, it was just another scheme.

"You are lying."

"Believe what you want, now it won't make a difference we are already divorced and have separate lives. I hope you are happy in your second marriage. Don't make the same mistakes you did in the first one. By the way who told you that I was sleeping with Daniel?"


"Well it looks like she got what she wanted, she separated us so that she could be with you. How could you not see it that it was her that was lying? Have a great life together because it's clear that you deserve each other." She left me dumb-folded not knowing what to say. How could I be so stupid. I ran after her but he got in the elevator and just as the doors were about to close I heard her say on the phone "don't cry,mommy is coming home soon baby."

I froze in place. She had a child, a son.

"Am I a father?"

Billionaire's ex-wife #Wattys2015. #newadultWhere stories live. Discover now