Chapter 3- Doctors

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Michael's POV

I've been puking for about a week now, I'm hoping it's not what I think it is. But then again it can't be I haven't slept with any guys, ever.

So, here I am with Ashton, on the way to the doctors. Ashton's been so caring and sweet lately, I mean he always is but I've also started to notice how hot he is... Wait. I mean, like, umm. It's hard to explain but lately of started to think of Ashton differently.

He's just been so nice, while I'm so vulnerable. I mean Calum has been helpful but it's more suffocating and forced from him. Maybe it wasn't Calum, I think it's different because I wanted Ashton to come back every time he left but I was grateful when Cal left.

"We're here, Mikey..." I look up and carefully get out of the car as Ashton runs to my side. "I was gonna get your door." He sighs, and I giggle at him weakly.

He slips my hand into his, and I stumble for my breath for a second. After he tells the nurse my name, and about half an hour of waiting, the doctor calls us in.

"Hello Michael, I'm Dr. Orsen. I'm going to run some tests on you." I nod slowly, waiting for the needles and stuff but instead I'm sent to the bathroom with a cup. It's really awkward peeing in a cup, but let's not dwell on the past.

The nurse smiles at me, pulling out a bunch of papers, then doing basic checkup stuff. I gained about a pound or so, didn't get any taller. By the time the doctor comes back in with my results Ashton is half asleep. "Michael you may want to be alone for this." Before I can protest, Ashton nods and drags himself out of the room.

"Michael are you aware you have female and male parts?" I nod and smile. "Well, Michael. Have you had sexual intercourse lately?" I cough and gasp for air for a second, then shake my head no rapidly. "Then this is going to be a surprise..." "Fuck!" The doctors eyes widen and he raises his eyebrow at me rudely. "Michael. You're pregnant."

"I knew it! Mother fuck! How the hell?" The doctor looks very uncertain of himself and looks down. "Is there any way I can find out who's baby it is?" He nods, then starts to flip through a bunch of papers. "Umm, it may a take a while before we can test the DNA. Actually, you would have to wait 9 weeks." I sigh, asking a few more questions trying not to raise my voice.

"Can I go now?" Dr.Orsen looks up, surprised. "Of course I just have to remind you to stay away from stress and come back next month." I'm already storming away, stomping through the halls before I burst into the waiting room.

Ashton's curly hair pops up, and he smiles at me. I'm still scowling harshly, making him look at his feet for a while. I stomp to the car pulling him past the screaming fans who found us. Thousands worried for our health, and asking about "Mashton" whatever that is.

Ashton jumps into the front seat, but the second my door closes I pulls my knees to my chest and lean my head on them. Before I can realize, I'm bawling my eyes out, sobbing.

"Mikey! What's wrong?"I shake my head over, and over, and over. Ashton runs his hand over my shoulders, which is comforting but doesn't stop me from sobbing loudly. He asks again, but I'm hardly hearing him over my own sobs. "Ash. Ashton, I'm pregnant!" My voice is rough and the words are broken and choppy.

I hear a small gasp, before he pulls me into his arms. "Mikey, I think that's great!" He smiles hugely at me driving away, leaving me with only one thought in my head.

Maybe a baby is a good thing.

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