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Rahul went back home ignoring the storm of thoughts and past memories in his mind and got ready and left for the Globistic office in no time. 

"Good evening sir." the receptionist said enthusiastically as he entered the office. 

"Good evening." Rahul said. 

"How may I help you sir?" the receptionist asked elongating every word as much as possible. 

"Who is handling the pharmaceutical deal?" Rahul asked. 

"May I know why you want to know this?" the receptionist asked.

"I have a meeting scheduled with that person." Rahul said, he did not even know who has a meeting with. 

"Its our business operations manager who is handling the deal, please go to the conference room, I will inform her to be there." the receptionist said. 

"Sure, where is the conference room again?" Rahul asked. 

"Second room to the right, I will show it to you." said the receptionist. 

"No thank you, please send your manager to the conference room." he said, cause I could understand from her face that she will start flirting on the way. 

"Such a big deal and a manager is handling it?" he thought in his mind. 

"Good evening." a female voice came and Rahul turned and was shocked for a second and stood still, not being able to react. 

"Aishani?" Rahul asked. 

On the other hand, Aishani was also shocked but it didnt hit her as hard as it hit Rahul, she knew that she will have a meeting with a Reddy empire official but she didnt know that it would be Rahul himself.

"Aishani Chaudhry." Aishani said professionally and put out her hand for a formal handshake. 

Rahul was lost for a minute and looking at Aishani's professionalism he came back from his thoughts but still looked shocked, after reminding himself that he has come here for a meeting he regained himself. 

"Rahul Reddy" he said and shook his hands with her. 

This is not how he thought he would meet Aishani wen she comes back, even though they were not on good terms this is not how he wanted to meet her, he just wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her that he missed her, but the way it ended, those misunderstandings spoiled everything and things couldnt be the same again. 

"I am here for a meeting with the business operations manager." Rahul said expecting an answer from Aishani. 

"Aishani Chaudhry, business operations manager, Globistic." Aishani said confidently, which shocked Rahul again. 

"So, it was the Reddy empire who wanted a meeting and I assume it is for the pharmaceutical deal. " she said and Rahul didnt know how to react but he got himself back to his  businessman form. 

"Yes, I am here to discuss about that." Rahul said after gaining composure in almost no time. 

"Sure, please take a seat." she said, it was only the two of them in the room. 

"So the Reddy's have an offer for your company." Rahul said. 

"Please go ahead." Aishani said. 

"When we get the pharmaceutical deal we will give your company the project of fifty percent of production of any deal we get." Rahul said. 

"Any deal? Please be specific." Aishani said. 

"All the deals we get, the Reddy pharmaceuticals will do only the 50% production and the rest will be done by your company." Rahul said. 

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