1-Anna Walken

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   Anna Walken was always very bright. She graduated at the top of her class from high school, was valedictorian, and student council President. She had always had a knack for impressing teachers and students alike. She was always motivated, and she graduated college a year early. She started working at a bank in her home state, and worked her way up the corporate ladder. Eventually, she was the youngest, and first female Vice President they had ever had. So why did this boy, her new coworker, push her buttons so much? Alex P Keaton would not give her a break.

Anna wasn't in charge of hiring her new coworker. She didn't think it made sense for her not to be involved, because of her job title. But still, she left it up to the rest of the bank to decide who would be their next investment banking analyst. She had high hopes for her coworker, and Alex met her standards. He was smart and loyal to the company, starting his hours early and working late whenever possible. But the two just couldn't find common ground.

   From the moment Alex P Keaton walked into the bank, Anna could not stand him. He was cocky and pompous. But most of all, he was her intellectual equal. He was a threat to the only thing she knew. Being the best. They shook hands for the first time, and an unspoken competition began. They both wanted to be better then the other. It was little things at first. Trying to sign more papers then the other, and seeing who could get to the office first.

"Good morning everyone," Anna said, setting her purse on her desk and sitting in the chair, spinning around slightly. Her coworkers greeted her. She looked into the corner and saw Alex, typing furiously on a computer and taking breaks to write something. How long had he been there? She began to get to work, only stopping to pour a cup of coffee.

"Hello Ms. Walken," Alex said, pouring his own coffee. She nodded his way, before grabbing the pot and pouring it into her own cup, pouring less milk into hers. It was small, but it made her feel slightly superior that she could handle the stronger taste.

"Mr. Keaton," she greeted, before walking away, her heels clicking on the floor. He professionally walked back to his desk space, just as she had. He moved the picture of his family framed on his desk back slightly to make room for his coffee mug.
   "Hey honey," Anna said to her boyfriend, Tony as she walked into their shared apartment. He looked up from where he was sitting on the couch.

   "Hey. How was work?" He asked as she struggled to take her heels off.

   "Good," she said. "You?"

   "Good," he replied. She walked to the kitchen and looked on the pad of paper, seeing if she had any messages.

   "Hey Tony, did Chloe call?" She asked.

   "Yeah," he called back from the couch. She dialed her sister's phone number, waiting for an answer.

   "Hello?" Chloe said. Anna felt high levels of stress leave her body at the sound of her older sister's voice.

   "Hey Chloe," she said.

   "Anna! How was work?"

   "Not too bad. How's your husband?"

   "He's out getting groceries right now," her older sister replied.

"So what's going on?" Anna asked, pulling a chair out and sitting down, ready to listen.

   "I just put Millie to sleep," she said. Anna smiled at the mention of her niece. "So have you heard from mom and dad recently?"

"Ugg. Don't remind me," Anna said in a frustrated tone.

"You have to talk to them eventually. I might as well try to speed it along," Chloe said.

   "I'm just not ready. But when I am, I'll let you know," she replied.

   "Fine fine," Chloe said. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a baby crying. "You know what, I'll call you back later,"

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you soon?" Anna said. "Bye love you."

"Love you too!"

They hung up and Anna opened the curtains to let some light into the room. She walked into the small living space and sat on the couch next to her boyfriend. He scooted closer to her.

   "What did Chloe want?" He asked curiously, playing with her hair.

   "Oh just to talk," she said. "You got home pretty early today."

   "Yeah my boss let us go early. Not many clients today," he said. She nodded.

   "Gotcha," she replied
   Alex P Keaton pulled into his driveway and got out of the car, walking into his house.

   "Hey dad," he said, walking into the kitchen. Steven closed the fridge to look at his son.

   "Hey Alex. How was work?"

   "Good. Have you seen Andy?"

   "He's in the living room with Mallory and Jennifer. He set his stuff on the counter and walked into the room. There, he saw his siblings.

   "Alex is home!" His younger brother exclaimed excitedly. He stood up and Alex picked him up in a tight hug, lifting the boy off the ground.

"Hey Alex. Wanna help us with this puzzle?" Mallory asked.

"I'm not sure guys. I have a ton of work to do," Alex replied.

"Come one Alex. Ten minutes," Jennifer begged. Alex sighed, then smiled at his siblings, kneeling beside the coffee table onto the floor.

"What's it supposed to look like?"

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