16-Business Meeting

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   "Let's do this," Anna said as they prepared for their business meeting. Alex nodded, tying his tie. Finishing up, he walked behind Anna, who was applying a fresh coat of lipstick to her lips skillfully. She noticed him in the mirror as he began to wrap his arms around her waist. She turned her head slightly and kissed him.

"Or we could stay here," he replied in a soft tone, kissing her neck. She rolled her eyes and patted his cheek.

"No," she replied, looking back at Alex, and laughing. He scrunched his face at her in the mirror, making her laugh even more.

   "What?" He asked. She turned around and grabbed a tissue, wiping the lipstick from Alex's mouth.

   "There," she said, satisfied with the job she had done. "Come on. This is an actual important meeting, not just some random work day." They finished getting ready and set off towards the office building.

   "Let's get this meeting started," their boss said professionally, closing the front door and turning the bank's open sign to closed. He lead everyone into the large conference room, and they all sat around the long table. Alex sat down, and Anna sat in his lap. That was the thing about Anna's confidence. She wasn't afraid to show PDA. Alex thought it was adorable. As the group pulled their chairs out and began to talk, pouring themselves water from the pitcher in the middle of the table, the volume of their conversations rose, until the entire room was encompassed in the loud noise of voices.

"Okay everyone, quiet down," Anna said kindly, using her title as Vice President to lower the noise levels, but also sounding somewhat like a school teacher.

   "Come on guys. Ms. Walken and Mr. Keaton are the most professional ones in the room and they're sharing a chair," a coworker said. The group laughed lightheartedly and continued on with the meeting, discussing the trials and issues of the job, and what was to come in the next few months.

"Next on the list, hiring new positions," the boss said. They discussed their possible options, before deciding that they would hire three new employees and two interns. Eventually, the meeting finished, and they reopened the bank. Everyone was pleased that they had gotten the meeting over with, especially grateful that they made it out quickly.

"That was sooo boring," Anna groaned, and Alex laughed.

"Come on it wasn't that bad. You were there," he said, and Anna smiled widely at the compliment.

"I love you," she said. He smiled at her, tenderly kissing her forehead.

"I love you too," he replied lovingly. "So, any plans for this weekend?"

"I don't think so," she replied after a moment of thought. "I'm babysitting Millie Friday night though."

   "Need some help?" He asked.

   "I'm afraid she might steal my man," Anna joked, referring to her one year old niece. "She loves you."

   "Who wouldn't love me? I'm Alex Keaton," he replied jokingly.

   "I'm sure lots of people," she fired back. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

   "I wouldn't say 'lots.' Only some," he replied, playing along.

"Uh huh. Sure," she replied, laughing and sitting on his desk, dangling her crossed legs slightly.

"Get off my desk. That's unprofessional Annie," he joked, using her nickname, which defeated the sense of professionalism they had created. She tilted her head.

"Make me," she replied flirtatiously. He made dead eye contact with her and set his hands on her hips, lifting her off of the desk. She laughed as he set her back down, holding onto his shoulders to gain balance. "Rude."

"Not at all," he said, laughing as they moved apart. "So why are you babysitting Millie?"

   "Matt and Chloe needed a date night," she replied. He nodded.

   "I know. They have two kids to take care of," Alex replied. Anna set a hand on her chest, faking an offended response.

   "I will have you know that I am a legal adult," she said, pointing at him as he laughed.

   "You live with your sister and you have a curfew. You're practically fifteen," Alex said.

   "When I was fifteen I didn't have anywhere to go, let alone a curfew," Anna said.

   "Oh sure you did. Every teenager had somewhere to be," Alex said.

   "Where were you?" Anna asked. Alex scrunched his face up.

   "Probably at the library. Or at a meeting of the young executives club. Or at Skippy's house," Alex listed.

   "You were the only member of the Young Executive's Club Alex. That wasn't a meeting. That was a bathroom break," Anna joked. Alex shook his head.

   "Go do your job," he said, and she held her hands up in surrender.

   "Fine. Fine. Don't need to try too hard to get rid of me," she said, kissing his cheek and walking towards her own desk.

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