13-The First of Many

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The next day, Alex walked over to Anna's desk, setting a hot coffee  cup on her desk. She looked up and smiled.

"Did you get home safely last night?" He asked her. She nodded, leaning back into her seat. She loved the feeling she got when he talked to her in that voice. The voice that sounded so calm and caring.

"Yeah I did. Would have rather been with you though," she said. They smiled at each other before Alex cleared his throat.

   "Well I'm gonna get to work," he said, waving a goodbye to her. She waved back and continued her work, even though she was distracted by the memory of the night before, and the thoughts of their newfound relationship. Eventually, she grabbed her work and moved over to Alex's desk, setting it down and grabbing a chair. They worked in almost complete silence, enjoying each other's company. As Anna was writing, Alex took the pencil out of her hand and connected his hand with hers, wrapping their fingers together.

"What are you doing?" She asked him. He leaned back in his seat and looked at her.

"I'm holding your hand, what do you think I'm doing?" He asked. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"We're in a professional establishment," she teased, gesturing around the room.

"So?" He asked her. She laughed lightly, looking down.

"I need my hand to finish working," she said, squeezing his hand with hers.

"Fine," he pouted, letting go. She scooted closer, so they were practically sharing the chairs. It was painfully obvious to others that their relationship had changed. To what, they didn't know, but their coworkers were determined to find out.

   "Do you wanna go to dinner tonight?" She asked him. Alex looked up and smiled widely.

   "I would love that," he said.

Later that night, Alex knocked on Anna's family's house. A girl he had never seen before answered the door, and he knew right away that it was Anna's sister.

   "You must be Alex," she said, opening the door wider for him. He gave a kind, slightly nervous smile as she gestured for him to walk in. He shook hands with Matt as they introduced themselves. They made small talk for a few minutes, before Anna walked in from her room. Alex turned around and smiled at her. Her face brightened up at the sight of Alex standing in their living room, all dressed up.

"Ready to go?" She asked him. He nodded.

"Ready when you are," he replied, holding his hand out. She walked forward and took it in hers.

   "Make good choices," Matt joked, kissing Anna's cheek. She laughed and hugged Chloe.

   "Bye guys," Anna said.

   "Nice meeting you both," Alex said with a small wave. They shut the door and began to walk towards the car, still holding hands.

   "They like you," she said. Alex laughed.

   "I hope so. I think your brother-in-law liked me," he said. "Your sister... maybe not so much?"

   "She's just protective. They're kinda my honorary parents right now," she explained.

   "You know that you're legally old enough to live on your own, right?" Alex said, making it sound like he truly meant it. Anna laughed.

   "I can do what I want Keaton," she replied. He opened the car door for her. "Why thank you."

   "Of course," he said dramatically, opening his own door and stepping inside. "Alright."

   "So where are we going?" She asked.

   "To get some food," he replied.

   "Well obviously," she said, laughing. "But where."

   "We'll figure it out," he said.

   "I think it might rain," she said, looking at the sky. Alex smiled.

   "I think rain is our good luck charm," he said. She smiled in agreement, still looking upwards out the window.

   "I like that," she said. He parked the car in the lot of a restaurant, stepping out and jogging to Anna's door. "I can open my own door ya know."

   "It's our first date. I have to be a gentleman," he said.

   "Oh so New York wasn't a date?" She joked.

   "That was not a date," he replied. "Doesn't count."

   "Really? We slept together," she said.

   "Don't say it like that," he laughed. "We shared a bed. Incase you forgot."

   "Okay okay. You win," she said. They talked to the man working at the front desk, and he lead them to a table. They sat down and ordered their food.

"I'm glad we're doing this," he said, smiling at the girl across the table.

"I am too," she replied. "So when do I actually get to meet your family?"

"The Keaton's are a pretty damn powerful force. Are you sure you're ready to be associated with us?" He asked her. She laughed loudly.

"I think I'll take my chances," she said.

"That's a pretty risky move."

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