4-Employee of the Year

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   "Do we have to go to this thing?" Tony asked Anna as she tied his tie. She nodded.

   "Yes Tony. This is important. I need tonight to go well," she said. He smiled at her.

   "Fine. But only because you asked nicely," he said. She leaned up and kissed him firmly.

"Thank you," she said. He rolled his eyes as she linked her arm in his and they walked to the car. They drove towards the venue where the party was being held, and found a decent parking spot. The car stopped and they stepped out of the car, Anna's heels hitting the gravel. They walked into the building and saw her coworkers and their dates sitting around and having drinks. They found their seats and sat down, waiting for the ceremony to begin and making small talk, introducing Tony to the others. He briefly met Alex, and Anna politely pulled him away.

   "That's the competitive one?" Tony asked, gesturing to Alex. She nodded, confirming the theory.

   "He's my only real competition for the Employee of the year award tonight, but I think he has it in the bag," she said doubtfully.

   "No way. It's yours," Tony said.

"Well I appreciate the confidence, but it's not looking good," she said. Tony rolled his eyes playfully and lightly shoved her arm.

"Come on babe," he said. They found a good spot to sit and prepared to watch the ceremony. Their boss walked up to a microphone and tapped it. The sound of feedback rose from the obviously cheap speaker, and everyone cringed.

"Thank you all for being here tonight. I know it's after hours," the boss said. Anna set her hands together.

'Hope this goes quick,' she thought to herself.

"Well without further ado, the winner of Employee of the Year is," he said, expecting a drumroll but receiving silence. "Anna Walken."

Anna's eyes widened and she smiled proudly. She walked towards the microphone.

"Thank you," she said, then walking away, earning a few laughs.

"Why didn't you give a speech?" Tony asked her. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Seems kind of old school," she replied confidently. Afterwards, a few coworkers shook her hand and congratulated her.

   Alex sat in his car and slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead. He should have had that in the bag.

   "It's not a big deal," he said to himself. "It's not a big deal." He repeated. He started his car and began to drive. He tried to convince himself that it was dumb title, and that he still had plenty of time to achieve it. This did the job, and he pulled into his family's driveway.

"You did it!" Tony exclaimed when he and Anna entered the car. She laughed.

"It's not even that big of a deal. I just wanted to beat Keaton," she said. Tony laughed.

"Well either way, you kicked ass," he said. They high-fived and began to drive home, stopping for dinner on the way. They entered the restaurant and ordered food and drinks, ending with a bottle of champagne. "To the employee of the month."

"Hear hear," she replied jokingly. They laughed and clinked their glasses together, making a small ringing noise and taking sips from the cups.

   "You really did kill it tonight," Tony said. Anna rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him.

   "Quit complementing me. The moments over," she said, and he laughed.

   "Moments never over with you. You dwell on things for forever," he said. She faked an offended look.

   "Why would you say something like that," she said dramatically, setting the back of her hand on her forehead.

   "It's a tragedy that you weren't an actress," he said, rolling his eyes. She agreed.

   "It truly is," she said. They arrived home and unlocked their apartment door, immediately beginning to take off the uncomfortable clothes and get ready for bed. "This makeup will not come off."

   "Just sleep with it," he said, already closing his eyes in bed. She shook her head.

   "No way that's disgusting."

   "Is not."

   "Is to."

   "Why are we arguing like an old married couple?" He asked. She laughed lightly, brushing her teeth.

   "I don't know. Goodnight. Love you," she said.

   "Goodnight. Love you too," he replied. She eventually finished her night routine and crawled into bed, moving the blanket slightly, and falling asleep quickly, feeling accomplished.

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