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          "Shit... what time is it?"

           Slivers of sunlight danced throughout the room, a sliver in particular -- I hate when it happens. -- prompting Billy to yank his blanket over his face, his left eye starting to water. <I'm up!> Without ever, ever emerging from the blanket, Billy stretched as best as he could before raking a hand through his hair, a yawn escaping his lips in the process. 


             A lone hand peeked from under the blanket, feeling around the nightstand beside the bed for his cellphone... and found jack squat. Cue the panic. Kicking the blanket from his body, Billy lunged for the nightstand, fully prepared to ransack it in search of his phone... only, only to freeze in place when he heard it. 

             A 'thud' echoed throughout the room; really? Billy couldn't help but facepalm... hard. <Figures.> Crawling to the foot of the bed, Billy peered over the edge and found his phone laying on the floor where it had landed after he'd kicked the blanket, luckily unscathed. <... figures.> Billy grabbed the phone. <Figures.> 


              *          *          *

              The confusion was clear as day on Reese's face as she took the phone from tatum, contemplating whether or not to answer. Tatum squeezed her shoulders as a sign of reassurance before making her way back to her vanity to finish getting ready -- errands. Reese answered. 

                 Billy's voice rang from the other end, "Hey, did something happen to your phone?"

                 "No," Reese sighed, relaxing a bit. "I forgot it when I left to see Tatum. Why?"

                 "No real reason."


                  "Hey, I have another question."


                 "So, I rented a couple of slasher flicks and I was wondering if you, I dunno, if you maybe wanted to come over and watch them with me?"


                  "Today at 4?"

                  "Alr -- shit!"


                  "I didn't bring a change of clothes."

                  "Who are you and what have you done with Reese-Isobel? You never, never, never forget anything!"

                    "I was in a rush, OK? Jeez."

                    "Yeah, yeah, you want me to swing by the house and grab something?"

                    "No. I was gonna head home in a bi --"

                     "No. You weren't."

                     "Excuse me?"

                     "You heard me... and don't act like your voice didn't crack when you said, "home." Now, do you want me to swing by the house and grab something for you? I'll do it."

                      "... yeah."



                      "It's no problem. Anything in particular? Pajamas?"

                      "Pajamas are fine."



                      "Soooo, be ready in... 10? 15?"


                        *          *          *

                         Water dribbled down Billy's chin and onto his shirt as he coughed mid-gulp, caught completely, completely off guard by Reese's words all the while Reese simply, simply sat beside him on the sofa, a smug look on her face as he did so! <How does she...?> Billy couldn't believe what in the Hell that it was that he was hearing. 

                          Paying no mind to the water, Reese simply, simply rest her head on Billy's shoulder and re-directed her focus to the movie. What. The. Hell. Billy looked down at Reese, absolutely dumbstruck, before following suit and re-directing his focus to the movie, as well. What. In. The. Hell. What. The. Hell.

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