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             It was 6 AM when Billy begrudgingly opened his eyes, the light pouring in through the window impossible to ignore any longer. Billy blinked a few times. <I should call Stu.> Doing the upmost to avoid waking Reese, Billy reached over her form, grabbed the cordless phone, and brought it to his side before quietly, ever so quietly dialing the man in question. Reese didn't stir. As Billy waited for Stu to answer, he turned his attention to Reese. 


             At some point during the morning, Reese had wound up on top of Billy, her face buried in his broad chest, her arms around his neck, and her legs entwined with his, but he didn't mind it one bit. Billy placed his free hand on her head, running his fingers gently, ever so gently through her thick, dark curls; Reese lazily shoved his hand away. Billy couldn't help but laugh.


             One blue eye and one brown eye met Billy's, causing his heart to skip a beat or two -- Stu answered. Despite the fact that Reese was wide awake now, Billy refused to let his conversation with Stu rise above a whisper. Reese stuck her tongue out at Billy. Billy stuck his tongue out at Reese.


              The conversation dragged for a good 10 to 15 minutes, but was ultimately cut short by Stu, who had to get ready for a date with Tatum at 9 AM -- why so early in the day? Reese stayed silent. Once all the goodbyes were said and done, Billy passed the phone to Reese, who placed it back on the stand before reaching to mess with Billy's hair. It was nice... to have time like this. Just the two of them. 

               Reese's voice was barely audible as she spoke, "How was it?"

               "It would've been better with my partner-in-crime by my side, but..."

               "Stu was there."

               "You know what I mean."

               "Don't get your panties in a bunch -- I'm just fuckin' with ya, Loomis."

               "Oh, shut it, Prescott."

               "Make me."


               All and any remaining traces of sleep that had been weighing down Billy's form dispersed in an instant and he tackled Reese, pinning her to the mattress like a predator would pin prey! Reese gulped -- she was fucked, in both the literal and metaphorical sense. Scared and horny, huh? Reese loved that feeling. Loved. Loved. Loved. Reese grew more impatient by the minute, the tension between the two filling the room to the brim in no time.

                Billy slammed his lips to Reese's, the force behind the kiss sure to leave some bruising! <It's about time ~> Reese melted into the kiss. <You know better than to keep me waiting, Loomis!> The unspoken threat seemed to reach Billy, who tightened his grip on her waist and bit down on her bottom lip, drawing both blood and a moan in the process! More. More. More. Billy broke the kiss for air, his lips coated in faint bruises and drops of blood, his lust-darkened eyes almost black. Reese took a moment catch her breath, as well, the blood that trickled from her bottom lip leaving stains as it traveled down to her neck. 

                  Billy licked the blood from his lips, "Now, shut it."

                  Instead of using words, Reese stared at Billy like a deer in headlights, paying no mind to the blood that dried on her skin. Fuck. Billy licked the blood from his lips, his eyes never leaving Reese's before leaning in until their foreheads were flush against one another, studying every inch of her face. Reese stayed silent. 

                   "You," Billy growled. "are going to be the death of me, Prescott."

                  "Hmm, can I get that in writing?"

                   "How did any of this happen? Us?"

                   "You killed my monstrosity of a mother after she effectively-ruined your life by sleeping with your father."


                   "You planned to claim me as another one of your victims."


                    "But, you decided against it."


                     "Instead of handing your ass over to law enforcement, I helped you and Stu pin the blame on ol' Cotton and that was that."


                     "I wanted my mom dead... and you killed her... and now you're making things even better by getting rid of Sidney for me."

                     "This... is why I love you."

                     "Why? Because my dumb ass is helping you slaughter half of the town?"

                     "That's part of it."

                     "Aw, come here ~"

                     Reese cupped Billy's face in her hands and peppered it with kisses while he tried to cover his face, his laughter nothing short of music to her ears! Before anyone knew it, both Reese and Billy were lost in a fit of hysterics, their faces as red as tomatoes and their laughter bouncing off the walls. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha.

                      I got you.

                      *             *             *

                      Law enforcement tried their best to keep the scene of the crime free of intrusions, but it was growing harder and harder by the minute, as Gale had made her grand entrance... and brought her cronies with Her. <Why,> Kenny popped a Cheeto in his mouth. <are you like this?> As per usual, Gale's fame seeking antics led to a mess. 

                       The Becker estate was surrounded. Thanks, Gale. Becker and Orth's mangled corpses had yet to be re-located, the stench of decomposing flesh hovering about the estate -- it didn't help in the slightest that the crowd was giving off heat... a LOT of heat. 

                        Tatum gagged, "Who would do such a thing!?" 

                        "I dunno," Stu blurted, "but whoever it is has to have screws loose."

                        "Let's get out of here -- I can't look at this."


                       It took all of Stu's available will power to keep the shit-eating grin that tugged at his lips at bay, but it had to be done. <Three down.> Stu grabbed Tatum's hand and led her away from the scene, from the carnage that would inevitably, inevitably lead to a late night call thanks to a nightmare in her near future. <More to go.> Stu couldn't help but allow his mind to wander.

                        Just... how mad would Billy be when he found out that Stu returned to the scene?

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