The thing that annoys me when it comes to anime or anime stories

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Me: it annoys me that in nearly every anime one if the characters or the main characters always looses his or her family! Like seriously! Why can't they just live happily ever after or something? Or maybe there mum or dad have an affair that a ok


Me: And, in fan fictions how people mistake the Anime characters looks, like prussia's for example?

Prussia: Hue

Me: they mistake his hair for white! When it really ligh light light light blond!!


Me: and the fact that how the anime characters u really want to be together aren't together! Like Quattro and Trey from yugioh zexal!! I don't even care if there boys or if there brothers like heck I wouldn't care if they were girls! And the anime characters that u don't want to be together is together like, Prussia x Hungary! FrUk, England x japan, Rio x Quttro, Eren x mikasa, Erwin x levi!! That's terrible!!

Quattro and

Me: and finally! The fact that the person that u have a crush on has to be really short!

Levi:....bitch wtf did u just say

Me: and no i don't like levi...well I use to..but Prussia looked way hotter in the end....oh and did u know that there's no such thing as black hair? It's just really dark dark dark dark dark dark dram dark dram brown.....

People with black hair: OoO

Some people might agree with me with these....but u don't have to!!

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