Chapter 3:Love bitten

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Denali walked in the door late it's only 11:30 p.m I rolled my eyes. I was in my room listing to already gone by Kelly Clarkson laying on my bed thinking to myself of how I'm gonna talk to James. Just thinking of him makes me blush. Then there was a knock at the door "Come in i said my head buried  in my pillow".

"Hey Ellie" Denali smiled as she stood in my door way.

"Hi I mumbled. bringing my head out my pillow.

"Well you know you need to drain- Denali clasped her hand on her mouth

 Eleezeeva Face flushed red she pushed the last button.

That's it Eleezeeva flipped Get the hell out I'm tired of you telling me about my feeding i know i need blood god damn it she crawled into a ball on her bed I don't want to be a monster.

"Ellie" Denali said with concern, here she scratched her palm of her hand with her nail the blood  dripped down a straight line staining the floor. You can have some of mine that way you don't have to worry about drinking from a human Denali expressed with sincere an concern.

Eleezeeva pupils flashed purple that's it Denali smiled Come a little closer. Eleezeeva felt her fangs shoot out of her mouth She began to lick the blood dripping from Denial's palm. That's it Denali said now bite as on time Eleezeeva plunged her fangs an began to drink greedily taking huge gulps.While Eleezeeva was drinking Denali was petting her hair wincing from the pain.

"i know it's hard she whispered",but my blood is just gonna keep you up an strong but to really get the energy you need you have to drink from a human that's why i will be here for you.

Riley was walking pass when he saw the scene he opened his mouth to say something but decided to keep walking. Eleezeeva slipped her fangs back in her gums an hugged Denali .

Thank you she whispered".

Last night was just a blur, eleezeeva thought to herself thinking about what happened made her gums throbbed she looked at the alarm clock wow she said only 5 in the morning the bus wont be here till 7:30 she rolled over her hand on her forehead looking at the celling fan. The more she stared the more it look like it was going slower.

She fell asleep once again but in this sleep she was having a dream.

"Where am I" she thought it's so dark in front of her was a man tall with broad shoulder's he looked like the guy from the fountain an their stood him and her mother.

"No you wont hurt her your promised me," Eleezeeva's mother pleaded on her knee's.

"I promised no such thing he lauged i will only take what i need if her life is with that promise so be it," he's smile more wicked then last time.

"I won't let you hurt a voice said in the background i love her to much.

"eleezeeva wake up"the voice whispered

 . Eleezeeva woke with tears spilling coming out her eyes

"Why am i crying?", eleezeeva asked looking at Denali.

Denali hands were still placed on her shoulders from shacking her.

"I thought you where in pain" she hugged her tight your gonna be late for school i already picked your clothes an then all of sudden you just randomly started shacking. i thought something was wrong because the only blood you drank was mine.

eleezeeva started to gain her strength to sit on her bed.

"I'm fine", she said wiping the tears away. "

"Eleezeeva the bus will be here soon you sure you wanna go to school,"Denali explained her face showing how concern she was.

"I'm getting ready Eleezeeva" said putting her clothes on. "Denali Ellie said trying to pull over her velvet red top on her head aren't you coming to school today?

"Um Denali started to say just to be interrupted by a sound of a school bus.

School bus is here they thought as they looked out the window.

''Eleezeeva hurry or you'll be late'' Denali implied trying to hide the answer as she hugged her as tight as she could I wont be at school with you today because i have a something to take care of Denali whispered as eleezeeva was running out the room.

Eleezeeva was dashing through the house to get on the school bus using her vampiric speed when she finally got a seat on the bus forgetting her math textbook.She saw Denali looking through the window in Eleezeva's room.

Eleezeva put her headphone's in her ear and begin to listen to Never let you go by Paramore then the dream flashed before her eyes once again she begin to gasped for air. It felt like her lungs where fighting against her.

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