Chapter 1: Aria's Journey Begins!

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(A/N: So, before you correct me about it, this is written in British English, not American, so it'll be 'Mum', 'Realise', 'Socialise': etc. Now, onto the story! Also, I changed Aira's name to Ariel. Their names were too similar and I was paranoid about getting them mixed up. Also, apparently Aria is a more unique variation of the name Ariel. So yeah...)

Two years have passed, Aria is going to start her journey in the Kalos region to become Kalos Queen, a title that, as the name suggests, can only be obtained there. She is going to take a plane to Luminose City and get one of the Kalos Starters. Her mother, father and sister are all standing in front of their house, saying their goodbyes and wishing her luck.

"Bye Mum, bye Dad, bye Ariel, I'm going to go and become Kalos Queen!" Aria said enthusiastically as she ran out of their backyard and towards the airport.

In Luminose City, Kalos, Aria's Perspective:

Aria finally got off the plane and went to a hotel to rest up, an hour later, she left for the lab to get her Starter.

"Bonjour! Who might you be?" Professor Sycamore asked her when she entered the lab.

"I-I'm Aria, Professor, I came here from Hoenn to get one of the starters as I'm attempting to become a Performer..."

"Oh, right of course, here, a Pokédex and take a look at the Starters," the Professor tossed three Poké-balls into the air and the Pokémon came out.


"Ches Chespin!"


"Wow! These sure are prettier than the Starters in Hoenn, I'll pick Fennekin!"

"Okay, then, good luck on your journey, Aria!"

"Thank you, Professor!"

Meanwhile at Lilycove City:

Ariel too, is getting ready for an event: Professor Oak's summer camp.

"Mum! I'm ready!"

"Yeah, Ari–Ariel, no need to yell." her mother said, clearly not interested in what she has to say.

At the Camp:

"Professor Oak, if a Shelder bites a Slowpoke on a body part that's neither its head nor its tail, would it still evolve?" Ariel asked a stupid question for the fifth time that day. "Ugh, would you let us listen to the Professor without the questions, please?" A boy with a black hair said through gritted teeth. Ariel nodded with an apologetic look.

Some time later, while they were looking at a Ninetales, she noticed that the boy who had scolded her and the pink-haired girl that was with him were nowhere to be seen. She thought of alerting the professor about their absence but what if they had left after telling him and she would just end up making a fool of herself again because of him? No, she wouldn't tell the professor, if they really were gone, they would surely come back.

"My Gramps is great, huh? If it was someone else being annoyed by your questions, you'd defiantly be sent back home." A boy with spiky brown hair that reminded Ariel of a Fearow said from behind her, snapping her out of her thoughts and making her jump.

"Who even are you?!" She asked angrily, this guy was not very good company.

"I'm the amazing Gary Oak! Professor Oak's grandson!" He said with a smug look on his face.

"WHAATT?! You're Professor Oak's grandson?! I don't believe it!"

"You better! I'm gonna start my journey in four years and I'll become a Pokémon Master with the best starter here!" He smirked, this girl was more annoying than Ashy Boy, she might even be just as hardheaded.

"I'll also go on a journey in four years and I'll be a..." Ariel trailed off, she had not thought of that, she just wanted to be better than Aria, but that was out of the question.

"You don't even know what you'll do? Hah! What a loser!"

"I'm not a loser, you are!"

"Me, at least I know what to do!"

"What is a Pokémon Master anyway?"

"You don't even know that much?" He laughed at her, "They're the best trainers in the world, they know everything about how to defeat a Pokémon and they are also super reliable! They have defeated every Gym Leader and have Badges as proof! Of course, a lot of Pokémon are also a must." Gary explained.

"What is the difference between a Pokémon Master and a Champion, then?"


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