Life tbh

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Mary's point of view

I walk out the door. My mom was working late tonight and won't be home when we got off of school.

"Wassup woman" I say to Jess as I put my keys into my backpack and get my head phones.

"Nothing much" she says as she hands me a piece of gum and gets herself one.

We got to school and Jess went to her first period. I skipped and went to the mall and got Jess a present. I was back by second period. I got into my English class and sat in my seat in the back. The kid that sits next to me was talking and I got in trouble.

"Out of my class Mary" Mr.Gore Said as he pointed to the door.

"I wasn't even talking" I said as I got up from my desk.

"Do not use back talk in my class"

"I'm not talking back I'm telling you what's going on"

"That's it Mary go to the office" He said as he wrote me a note.

"But I wasn't talking"

"Mary go to the office or I will suspend you from my class."

I didn't say anything as I walked to the office and gave the note to the nice lady in the front desk and sat down in the green chair with arm rests.

The vice principal walked out wearing a black pencil skirt with a red blouse and a pair of black high heels.

"Mary" she called as she looked around.

"That's me" I said grabbing my backpack and standing up.

This wasn't my first time in the office. I go here almost everyday this time it was stupid so I only had to see the vice principal. If anyone really cared I would be with the principal. I sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

"You understand why you are in here correct" She asked me while writing. When I didn't say anything she looked up.

"Oh um....Yeah"

"And why are you here?" She asked as she looked at the computer and started writing again.

I rolled my eyes and said "because I was talking."

She took off her glasses and looked at me "why where you talking?"

"See ma'ma I wasn't talking it was the kid next to me"

"Ok I see, did you tell Mr.Gore that?"

"I tried and he sent me here."

"Go back to class your not in trouble"

"Thank you"

"Also stop skipping classes that goes on your records" she said as she stood up to open the door, and walked me back to my second period.

When we got there I sat back in my seat. Ms.Ryan pulled Mr. Gore out of the class so they could talk.

Jess's point of view
I saw Mary walking to the office. My mom doesn't really like Mary because she's a trouble maker. Whatever.

At lunch I was walking to my favorites place. Mary doesn't know but I like to draw and I have a secret place. I always go far out in too the hills behind the park to write and draw. When I got there I took a deep breath jus so I could take in the beautiful view. I walked up the hill a little ways and climbed into the big sycamore tree and took out my notebooks.

When I was walking back to school I ate my salad. I walked into the class and sat down. We had a sub.

"Hello my name is miss Arcane,i am your sub for the rest of the week while your teacher isn't her." She said as she lifted up the sub notes.

By the end of the day I couldn't wait to go to Mary's house. I walked with her to her house when we got there I went straight to her room and sat in my favorite place. The window bed it would be awesome for drawing.

Mary's point of view

"Soo.... What happened with Matt" Jess said to me as she pulled out a granola bar from her backpack.

"Um you tell me..." I asked wondering how much she knew.

"Look I know that Matt tried to kiss you and I want you to know that...." I cut her off.

"Wait hold up you knew? And didn't tell me wow, so all that time I spent avoiding you you knew? Jess you're out of your mind"

"No, Mary it's not like that"

"Obviously it is like that" I said as I walked down stairs to get a water.

There was a knock at the door. It was Matt.

"Hey how's everything" he said as he handed me a dozen white roses.

"Um....good" I said as I set them down on the side table "now really isn't a good time"

Shane walked from down stairs. He was wearing a red button up shirt with of jeans and red converse.

"Is that Jenelle?" He asked as he pulled his pants up. "oh um I'm walking to Jesses house to get Nell."

I pulled him a side "don't leave me with him" I tell Shane everything he's my best friend.

"Just shut the door and lock it" Shane said as he shut the door locked it.

"Love you MJ" he said as he ran through the back gate.

"Love you too Swag meister" I said as I smiled

I walked back up stairs to see Jess drawing she quickly put the book in her bag when she heard the door open.

Jess's Point of view
"So.....who was at the door?" I asked as Mary put the flowers on her black dresser.

", Matt was at the door."

"For who?" It's not that I like him or anything.

"For...... Me" she said that very carefully so I wouldn't get hurt I could hear in her tone.


"Let's not talk about him" she said as she threw herself on her bed.

"Why do you have a teenage mutant ninja turtle bed-set?" I asked as I saw her face light up at the question.

"Because I love them they are my favorite cartoon, and I don't know if you knew this but I'm six" she said as I could tell she was just joking.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you!" Mary said adding on and scaring me half to death.

"What" I said as I looked at her.

"The other day I caught Nelly and Shane kissing"she said as my jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh, wait aren't they going on a date today" I said.

"Yeah do you want to go and trash it my mom tracks Shane's phone threw my laptop" Mary said as she got an evil look on her face.


Hey guys did you like the chapter? Anyway thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment ~ 🔫MJW🌹

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