The start of...

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SO yeah this chapter is confusing.  In the present tense of when the chapter takes place it's the first meeting since the last chapter. So around a month has gone by since the voice whispered. The chapter is really a series of flash backs . Also the flash backs look like this and the voice looks like this




The meeting's unbearable. Ever since the voice whispered to me I've been having... thoughts

5 days after the voice

Mia was in a room filled with armor stands. The voice's whispers had been growing in the last five days. But she never told anyone. She kept all the anger and stress pent up and then at the end of the day she would let it all out on the armor stands. 

"YOU THINK I'M A MONSTER? WELL TAKE THAT AND THAT AND THAT!" She said destroying three armor stand in a row. 

Taking a deep breath she sighed. She didn't know if this made things better or worse. When she destroyed the stands she had this kind of thrill. Like it was satisfying to see it crumble. It scared her. But she also craved it. And everyday the voice took advantage of that

you like seeing the armor stands crumble? Well what about the satisfaction of seeing the fear on the hermits face

The thrill of vengeance 

You secretly love destruction. If you didn't like it hen why would you do it every night

Stop trying to reassure your self. From what? the truth?! You can't hide. The more you hide the more it'll bite you back

You need to show them you aren't tamed or else they''l treat you like you are

Your a monster. Embrace it

The pity you, hate you even! For some thing you can't control. Don't you hate that? 

Hate them

Kill them

Destroy them

About a week after the voice

Mia had started to notice something. When ever she saw any of the hermits she couldn't help but feel a flash of anger. 

If it was someone like Cub or Joe-hermits she didn't know well- it was subconscious. But if it was Grian or Mumbo-hermits she saw practically every day- She could feel her fist clench and she hands itching to kill them

It was scary

But sometimes....

Mia loved it

2 weeks after the voice


"Hey Mia!"

"What do you want, Gri?" He seemed a little surprised at her 'don't care mood' but he continued

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