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Narrator POV

Mia fit pretty well with the other hermits. She was a bit awkward about her past but other than that she was fine. She pranked, she built, she nearly blew up her base with red stone by accident, but most importantly she had fun. 


I groan and sink into my purple bed. After forever I had finally gotten the courage to fight the wither. Finished with my video -and fight- I feel exhausted. 'all i want now is a nice long nap...' i think as i slowly nod off

I wake up some where familiar. "Umm why am I not in my room" I wonder aloud. "Your not awake silly! your in the dream realm" I turn around. FM?! (Future Mia-she's from the second chapter leap of faith)"Nice to see you Mia" FM smiles at me and waves. I stare a bit shocked but kind of happy. I mean FM is the reason i have all my new friends. 

"So are you going to tell me some confusing saying that i'll understand later?" I ask jokingly. "No actually I'm here for something else. Come with me" She replies walking off . I follow her to a house in the... "End?!" I stare at the large house. "WHAT?! is this my future home!" I ask gawking at the place.

FM laughed. "No it's just there because of author magic, Don't ask" The last part was directed to my confused face

"Hey Mia! I didn't know you were visiting your past self! Why didn't you tell me?" some random guy says

The guy looks familiar..."Hey your the person from my first dream!" I say remembering him. He apparently wasn't supposed to be there. "What are you doing here?!" FM says surprised. "I just wanted to mess with you!" The stranger smirks "At least this time you can tell her who I am" 

"HmMm ShOuLd I gRiAn? I kNoW yOuR aBsOlUtElY dIeInG tO rEvEaL yOuR sElF"

I stare at the guy. No did i hear that correctly? "Wait a minute! Your Grian? The guy who loves TNT and cannot resist pranking Mumbo when he's AFK? We're still friends in the future?" I ask him

"Yep and we're BFFs not just friends and I got a fiance and she's"-he points at FM -"or i guess your ge-"  FM covers his mouth. "She doesn't need to know all that!" FM tells him blushing furiously. Future G pushes her hand away and smirked. "what embarrassed your getting married in two months ?" He says quickly before running away.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALEX" I yell as i stare at FM. So in the future i get engaged?! And Married?! And then Gri: HE HAS A FIANCE. I try to process that. "Never mind that, I need to give you this." FM says a bit tensely.

She taps on the wall. The blocks move reveling a safe. From the safe she hands me a pretty necklace. It had a silver chain and a few purple gems embedded into it. (basically the picture at the top)  "W-what's this?" I ask as I examine it. "I'll tell you how to unlock it: Go some where private. Make sure no one can see you. Then when your alone whisper this to the gem:ᒷリ↸ᒷ∷"

"Ender?" I ask slowly putting on the necklace. "Yes but in galactic not English, magic gems have a habit of preferring galactic rather than English"

The world slowly becomes foggy. Just like the last dream white mist surrounds me. As i slowly wake up i can hear on thing echoing in my mind


Yawning I get up from my bed.  I feel something cold against my neck. It's that silver necklace that FM gave me. Just as i was about to whisper the key word, I remember what FM told me. Well no on really comes over to me base without asking. 

Except Grian. But he's Grian! He does that to everybody!

I lock the door just in case he comes over. Finally ready i whisper to the gem 

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