chapter 4

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Vikhir:we are sorry...

Bevish:it's we also sorry too.

Vik:okk mahir... Bye...

Ma:okk bye vikku...

Mahir joined to his friends.

Bevish are walking..

Bela:(in mind) why I feel starnge when they around them? Ek second that boy called him vikku. Matlab short form of vikrant. That's mean he is the rakshak?

Vish:heyy kya hua bells?

Bela:kuch nahi vishaka... Chalo we were late.

Vish :(shrugged her shoulder) mm okk

Soon they enter class and saw mahir.

Bela:(in mind) I have to be friends with him. (To vish) vish.. Look he that boy that we are collidies with each other.

Vish:Aree haan.. He is too handsome na...

Bela:(jealous) vish....

Vish:are you jealous bells?

Bela:why I am jealous? I come to say... Just listen to me.

Vish:(hide her smile) okk.

Bela:I want to make a friendship with him.

Vish:ohh I thought you going to propose him.

Bela:na na he is not my type vish. (In mind:in fact there is no human match for me. Because I am the queen of the naaglok.

Vish:okk then... Chalo..

Another world. It's a evil world.

King evil:tomorrow will be your last day rakshak.roona...

Roona:yes maharaj.

K. E:I ordered you... Tomorrow you have to kill the rakshak.

Roona:okk maharaj.

K. E:okk you can go in night time. Because dark is our strength.

Roona. As your wish maharaj.

Back to India.

Vish:hello...i am vishaka. This is my friend Bela.

Mahir:ohhh hii I am mahir.

Bela:hello,actually we got admission late. So we don't know anyone here. And we saw you early. So we thought first to meet you.

Mahir:ohh okk. That's my friends yuvraj, pratham and bultu... (To yuvi) yuviii

Yuvi:yess mahir...

Mahir:come here. These are are my friends.


Soon the class started.

Bela:(in mind) again feeling strange. What happened me? I think because he is the brother of rakshak.

Vish:(slowly) kya hua?

Bela:kuch nahi...

Vish:let's focus the class. Why you staring mahir?

Bela:I am not.

Vish:mm okk okk I know...

Next:roona tries to kill vikrant.

Sorry for late update. Don't throw chappals okk. And check out my new os too.

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