Chapter 5: Nothing Less Than Victory

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Al had never seen so many clones in one space before. As she stepped off the shuttle, Master Reugen at her heels, they all cast sideways glances at her. She beamed at them and waved. They were decently confused and one weakly waved back. Master Reugen nodded to them and lead Al away.

"Welcome to the 747th Regiment of the Grand Army of the Republic," she said, navigating Al through the clones. "They are under the control of General Pong Krell."

"You don't like him," said Al simply.

Master Reugen said nothing, but her grip on Al's shoulder became more firm. "I do not agree with his methods and I think the council should have reconsidered their decision."

Al was getting a bad feeling about this Krell character. He didn't seem like the nicest person as Master Reugen was talking about him. They walked the rest of the way to the bridge in silence. When they got to the doors, Master Reugen stopped walking. Al stopped as well and looked up at her. "What is it?"

"I will do the talking when we go inside," said Master Reugen. "Please do not provoke him."

Al was confused, but nodded anyway.

"Be very careful as to what you say to him from now on. I don't want you getting hurt."

Al nodded again. Master Reugen sighed and opened the doors. The room was the worst kind of silent. Standing at the end of the bridge was who Al presumed to be Krell. She wasn't getting a very pleasant aura, but stayed silent obediently.

"Master Krell," said Master Reugen. "Your padawan learner is here. This is Al Galleia."

Al wanted to say hi, but held her tongue as Master Reugen instructed. The man turned around and Al tried not to gasp. He had the most sinister eyes. They were a sickly yellow and they studied her with extreme criticism. She could tell he didn't like what he saw.

"The council brought me a Twi?" he spat with so much disgust, Al wasn't as much upset as she was startled.

Master Reugen didn't back down the slightest. "She is very talented and will make you very proud on the battlefield."

Krell walked menacingly towards Al. She could have sworn she heard some evil tune playing behind him. He towered over both of the women, but neither cowered under his glare. "Padawans are no good on the battlefield. They slow people down." He turned his eyes to her as he said the last part. Al just looked right back into them. "You are dismissed."

"Me or--" Al said quietly, pointing to Master Reugen.

"Who do you think?" Krell spat.

Master Reugen nodded curtly and turned to leave, stopping only to pat Al on the shoulder gently. When she left, the room fell deathly silent again.

"So padawan," said Krell.

"My name is Al," she said firmly.

Krell looked slightly taken aback and everyone seemed to have sucked all the oxygen out of the room. Al wasn't afraid of him. He could beat her senseless for all she cared (he seemed like the kind of guy who did that) and take everything away from her, but she would keep coming back. He couldn't kill her spirit. No matter how hard he tried.

"I am well aware of your name," he said in the same tone. "But are you aware of the etiquette of my ship?"

Al shook her head.

"There is no talking to the clones," said Krell, spitting the last part out like it was poison. "None whatsoever."

"Why not?" asked Al.

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