Chapter 18: A Friend in Need

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Krell made no mention of Red Hawk in the weeks that followed, but Al wasn't expecting him too. He also never called her in to train, which aroused some suspicions, but she guessed he was probably bummed from "losing" the battle. It was a ridiculous theory, but it was the only reasonable one she had to go off of. Al spent her days talking with Aayla and getting slowly better, though not fully recovering. Losing Red Hawk had hit the team pretty hard, especially Data, who just recently learned his leg was completely paralyzed. He and Al were the only two who kept contemplating on what would have gone differently if they had stepped in and done something about the situation, though Al had sworn she heard Blue Jay talking to Dyn about sacrifices or something. It was a long few months and eventually Krell called Al in to talk to her. 

"Thank you for coming," he said as she entered the bridge. Clones worked around them, trying not to make eye contact. "I understand you have been going through hard times."

Oh how she wanted to punch him in his stupid chin sack. "Yes Master."

"So I thought now would be the time to tell you that I have been assigned to Umbara, to oversee the conflict there." 

"Really? Am I going?"

"You are going to accompany General Kenobi and his forces as they take the capitol city. I am going to take command of General Skywalker's forces, so we will be separated. The clones will not accompany us on our mission, this will be solely for the two of us."

Great. Just what she needed. A one-on-one with her master. Well at least until she reached Umbara, then she would finally be rid of him. It didn't matter if it was only for a few days, it would still be a breath of fresh air. She spent the rest of the time between then and when they were leaving to spin her lightsaber around and practice techniques she created herself, or remembered from the temple. Eventually the time came for Krell to replace Anakin's troops and when Al reached the hanger, there were two gunships which lead her to ask "I'm going on my own?"

"General Kenobi is in a different part of the planet and Skywalker's troops need me urgently. Therefore, you will take a separate transport to the rendezvous and stay there until advised otherwise."

Her spirit was immediately enlightened. "Cool! See ya!"

Not waiting for his response, she bounced over to the second gunship. She waved to Blue Jay before the doors closed and saw him return it with a feeble wave. It was just her in the gunship, so she sat down and meditated for a while before landing proceeded and even through the oncoming gunfire. When the gunship landed, the fighting had seemed to cease and when the gunship's doors opened, she was greeted by a Jedi. His face was covered in sweat and ashes, but his eyes sparkled with an aura of mischief and his smile was warm and welcoming. 

"And who might you be?"

"Al. Al Galleia."

He offered her his hand. "Well Al Galleia, my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. Welcome to Umbara."


The Jedi Temple library was quiet this time of day. The quietness was excruciating and Ahsoka was having trouble focusing. Not only was Anakin away on a mission, but Al was completely avoiding her. So she had absolutely nobody to talk to while she suffered through her studies. Letting out a long, exhausted sigh, she leaned back in her seat and used the Force to lift some data chips around in the air. It only lasted a few minutes because the disk was snatched out of the air by Jocasta Nu, who seemed both tired and trying her best to not smile. 

"Padawan Tano. Don't you think you should be focusing on studying instead of levitating your files?"

"It helps with boredom," Ahsoka said with a smirk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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