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Warnings: Child Abuse, Mentions of Lots of Blood, Adult Mature Language, Alcoholism,

The sun peaking through the blinds and the smell of food wakes Olivia up. She laid flat on her stomach with her arms underneath the pillow. She tried hiding from the brightness by burying her face into the pillow but the scent of mens cologne and cigarette has her halting her movements. With one eye open she pulls her face away from the pillow and observes it, trying to remember how that scent got on there but then remembers, she's not home and she's not in her room.

Still lying on the bed she glances around the small room, coming to realization where exactly she was.

Taking his offer on crashing at his place seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that she's awake, in his bed, she couldn't help the regret rising in her chest. Regret for taking his offer, regret for not getting off the damn car when she had the chance, and regret for proving to him that something was wrong. Fucking great. Now what is she going to do? Lie? Like that has helped her in any way.

Then again, even if a part of her truly did regret on taking his bed for the night, she truly really did have the best nights of sleep in what seemed like years.

Letting out a sigh that turns into a yawn, she glances at the small clock near the bed and feels the way her brows rise when it's almost noon. She normally isn't able to sleep in, the furthest she's gone to sleeping in was until 9 am, if she was lucky enough maybe 10, but that's if she's lucky enough and if her father doesn't wake up before her. Which almost never happens on the weekends.

Slipping out of the covers she sits on the edge of the bed. Heavy sigh leaving her mouth as she sits there, feeling the way her body still feels completely exhausted, from so many reasons. There was nothing more she wanted than going back to sleep, if she could, she'd slip under the covers and drift away once again. Felt like she could have sleep for a week straight, but she can't. She had to leave.


With another heavy sigh she begins slipping on her shoes, noticing her blood stained shirt on the floor, must've fallen while she was sleeping. Once both shoes were on, had fixed her hair by combing wild strands with her fingers, she grabbed her shirt from the floor and makes her way out of the small room. Upon opening the door, immediately a wave of bacon and eggs invade her sense of smell. Her stomach grumbling on cue.

As she makes her way down the small hall, she soon sees how the Chief was behind a small counter, eyes casted down on whatever he's cooking, not noticing her presence. Olivia stuck to the small shadows, just silently admiring the man's presence, noticing his uniform still hung on his broad large frame, as if he slept with his work clothes and just got up to make breakfast. Would make sense since she practically invaded his bedroom where she assumes are his clean clothes. She lingered a little longer, trying to get a mental picture of him for some odd reason, that was until the floor creaks from her weight, causing him look up. They stay staring at each other for a couple seconds, neither one saying a word.

Then, the moment ends when his blue orbs avert back to the pan in front of him.

"Made some eggs," He tells her, flipping some bacon,

Although breakfast did sound absolutely amazing, Olivia just wanted to leave already, wanted to leave before he decided to ask any questions they both know isn't worth asking. Even if a war was currently brewing in her stomach, she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Hey Chief // Jim HopperWhere stories live. Discover now